A Teasing Taylor (18+)

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Cre : TaylorandJoe on Tumblr


"Yeah Grant I'll be there soon I'm just getting ready, I had to be careful because joe wouldn't leave me alone while I tried getting ready, see you soon!" Taylor put her phone on the side of the bed and continued getting ready, as she stood up to go get her coat she stopped at the full body mirror and admired her outfit, thigh high stockings with black high heels that elevated her legs, black lacy underwear with a high waisted pantie and a lacy black bra that made her breasts stand out and stand high and there lay in the valley of her breasts was the necklace joe had given her only weeks ago, she knew it would complement her whole outfit nicely.

She put her long coat on and made her way downstairs where joe was reading some lines from a script that had been sent to him for an upcoming film.

"Hey babe, you look a little tired", Taylor chuckled as she made her way next to joe and kissed him softly on his lips.

"Well I have you to thank for that, all I wanted was to read my lines and then go to bed, but no you came in the bedroom and seduced me forcing me to abandon my lines and tend to your sexual needs" joe winked after he finished explaining to Taylor that it was her fault for his tiredness.

"Well it's not my fault your not able to control your own sexual appetite" Taylor gets up to leave and picks up a bottle of water and heads for the door

"you not gonna say bye to me baby?" Taylor leans on the door handle waiting for joe to reply, joe looks over at her, smiles snd starts to get up.

"so what are you wearing under that coat then? Cat pyjamas?" He chuckles quietly to himself while hugging Taylor and kissing her on her forehead. Taylor smirks and let's the coat open a little bit to just reveal her cleavage and stomach.

"does this look like cat pyjamas to you babe?". Joes eyes widen and he licks his lips slowly, after a few seconds he breathes out

"wow, erm... is that your outfit for the video" joe puts his hands round her waist and rubbed up and down her sides slowly.

"mmhm.. yeah it is...do you like it?" Taylor asks innocently as she wraps her arms around his neck and gently bites his earlobe.

"babe is this why you wouldn't let me see you getting ready before?, joe led Taylor to couch and she straddled his thighs and placed both her legs on either side of him.

"Yeah, I knew you wouldn't let me get ready if you knew I was putting on the lingerie you got me last week" she was now sucking hard on his neck, joe removed her coat and Taylor leaned back letting him have a full view of her outfit before she placed her hand on the outline of his dick over the top of his pants and started gently rubbing her hand up and down making his erection prominent.

"God, babe you need to stop or I'm not gonna be responsible for what happens next" Taylor looked up from her movements, smirked at him and continued her movements by unzipping his pants and slipping her hand on his boxes and continued her movements. Joe had had enough and began un clipping her bra.

"ah ah babe I need to get to a video shoot in this outfit" Taylor jumped off of joes lap and put on her coat and tied it up.

"what's wrong joey you look a little flustered?", Taylor giggled at the look of confusing on his face.

"Taylor you can't leave me like this, I need you, I need to hear your moan, to hear you beg to cum" joe jumped up from the couch and boxed Taylor in against the wall, he whispered in her ear.

"I bet your so wet for me babe, one finger should have you coming undone in seconds" joe began sucking her neck just as hard as she had done to him.

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