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Credit to Imagine-TayJoe on Tumblr


"I wake up with an energetic Joe walking into our room. I slowly open my eyes to see him smiling. He jumps onto the bed, landing on top of me. I groan with the feeling of his weight.

"Morning love." He kisses my cheek and I can't stop the grin creeping on my lips.

"How many coffees have you drunk?" I manage to ask.

"None. I still haven't had breakfast. I was waiting for you and you wouldn't wake up." Supporting himself on his elbows, he lets his free hands move to my forehead to play with my hair.

"Well you kept me up all night, you could at least let me sleep peacefully. " I complain and close my eyes once again.

"I would, but we are late." He explained right before kissing my lips and getting up.

My eyes snap open to look at him. "For what?"

"We are going away for the weekend." He wriggles his eyebrows to mess with me. He didn't tell me anything about it and he knows I like to know everything.

"We are?"

"Yes. Location is a secret. Pack your bags with warm clothes. We're leaving right after breakfast." He says, going away. I feel his footsteps approaching back again. He pops his head in between the door. "And don't worry. My mum says she will stay with the cats. I'll make us breakfast." Then he goes away, leaving me there wondering what the hell he has up on his sleeve.

Well, then.

After a two-hour drive through the fields, with the windows down, screaming to old-school British jams' lyrics, and a little stop at a restaurant for lunch, we arrive to the secret destination, right in the middle of the woods. I'm amazed when I realize we stopped in front of a cabin. "Oh my God Joe! This is so beautiful."

"My father used to rent it when he married my mum, and then after a couple of years he ended up buying it. We started to come here every year on holidays. Now we're older, and no one really comes here." He explains smiling from the passenger seat.

"Can we go inside, I want to see what's it like. " I ask him.

He grins from the driver's seat. "Let's go." He closes the door behind him and walks around the car to open mine. He holds out his hand for me to take. I do so and we walk to the porch. It has a view for a small lake. As Joe opens the door, I look around and realize there are no other houses near, making it a very private place.

Joe looks back at me and smiles when we walk into the cabin. It's even more beautiful inside. We enter the living room, where windows showed the view to the lake. Attached to it is a small kitchen, separated of the rest of the room by a balcony and with a dinner table right next to it. This one large room is all wooden made, very spacious, but with the sense of coziness.

All around, there are pictures of the family, many with a young Joe smiling at the camera. " God." I giggle as I see one over the fireplace. I walk in between the couches to reach it. I hold it in my hands and gush. "You look so cute in this one."

Joe walks to me and hugs me from behind, supporting his head on my shoulder as he looks at the picture too.

"I still don't get my mom's obsession with all these pictures. Everywhere I look there's a picture of a little me doing something weird." He mumbles.

"Well, you know I'm one to take a lot of pictures. It's very likely I'll do the same when we have kids so." I say as I place the frame right where it was.

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