I'm The One He's Walking To

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Credit: beamingswift on Tumblr

Joe was driving home. His fingers tapping on the steering wheel, to the beat of the music. A smile plastered on his face, that couldn't be removed. He was excited to see her, Taylor. After being away for work for nearly two weeks, he couldn't wait to see her in person again. He had flown first class, and could pick up his luggage straight away, without waiting. He had almost run to his car, to get away from Heathrow airport and get to her London condo.

It was funny, how he was calling that home already. They hadn't even officially moved in together. Still, London was the place they spent the most time in. Both of them liked the feeling of the city. How it was big yet really intimate. But, he must admit he would spend time anywhere, as long as it was with her.

They had been together for almost a year. They had fallen in love slowly, starting out as friends before becoming lovers. But when they had both finally realised how they felt about the other, things had happened fast. They couldn't stay away from each other, spending a huge amount of time together, but never growing sick of one another. When it had become really serious, they decided to run away together. To hide from the prying eyes of the media. They had the best time together.

Although it was a bit hard for them when one of them had to be away for a couple of days, like Joe with his movies or Taylor with album meetings, it was all worth it when they got to see each other again. So, as Joe drove home, he couldn't help but think of her, and how much he had missed her. He was glad when he finally pulled into the parking garage of the building. He got out of the car quickly, taking his luggage with him, that he dropped inside the hall of Taylor's apartment which door he had opened with the key he owned.

The house was awfully quiet as he entered it. No music, no voice speaking to a cat, no sounds of the television.


As he walked into the living room he found his girlfriend sitting at the windowsill. The large window looked out over the city of London. She had some pillows in her back, a cup of hot tea on the side table. She didn't look away from the window, maybe because she hadn't heard him, maybe because she didn't want to. As he walked a little closer he could see her face clearer. Her cheeks were slightly damp, eyes a little puffy and red.

"Babe?" He breathed out. Just loud enough for her to hear.

She slowly turned her head around, meeting his eye. He could now see very clearly that she had been crying, her eyes still wet. His heart broke as he took in the sight. He didn't want her to be sad, especially when he could not be there to comfort her.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked, cautiously.

"The story is out." She whispered, looking away from him again, watching the London landscape.

He frowned a bit, trying to figure out what she was talking about. But then it dawned on him.

"I thought we were doing that next week?"

"Yeah, that was the plan, but...," she paused, and then finally looked him in the eye again, "there was spread another rumour yesterday. About Tom and me, this time. Tree said it was best to do it now. To tell the world we're together, before people are starting to get to caught up in the rumours."

He walked a little closer to her, until he was right next to her.

"Babe, why didn't you call me at least? You shouldn't go through all this stress alone." His look was full of worry.

"I... This is not your concern. This is my fault, so I'm going to fix it. You shouldn't even have to go through this!" She looked completely broken, leaning her head back against the window frame behind her, her eyes shut.

"I'm so sorry." She then whispered softly.

"Taylor, look at me." He demanded. When she refused he softly grabbed her chin and turned her head to the side.

She opened her eyes. Her watery blue irises now looking into his.

"We've been down this road before. You telling me I deserve better, demanding me to leave. But I'm not. Just like I told you before. I'm not going to leave you. I'm so insanely happy with you, Taylor. There's nothing anyone could do to change that. Not the paparazzi with their huge camera's and invasive questions, not the media with their judgement and insane rumours, not the haters with their jealousy and rude comments." He closed his eyes shut and sighed deeply before continuing.

"I'm so in love with you, Taylor, why can't you just see that?"

"It was so good living in secrecy, no one knowing about this, about us. But now, the weirdest stories are going to be made up, people calling you a gold digger, judging you for going out with me." She exclaimed. It seemed like she hadn't even listened to what he had just said. "It's going to be a circus from now on. We'll both be in the spotlight, but not for good reasons. Everything either of us does is going to be analysed and judged and your life is only going to get more and more crazier from now on, you know? You're going to feel like you're living in a fucking madhouse and you will wanna leave me someday. I just... Why won't you leave me right now, when the pain isn't so bad as later on?"

Her last sentence was barely a whisper, it could only be heard when listening very closely and carefully, which was Joe's case. He froze for a minute, staring at her speechless, before he came into action. He almost leaped forward, pulling her body up to his and embracing her frame tightly, as if the world was about to end. Rocking her back and forth, he felt her body start to shake again, sobs escaping from her mouth, tears making stains on his shirt.

"I don't care how many times you are trying to push me away, because I won't leave, Taylor. I won't. I will stay with you, no matter what you try to do to make me leave." He rested his head on hers, comforting her with his body.

For a moment they were both silent, the only thing that could be heard were the soft sobs coming from Taylor. Her body was hunched forward, she was leaning into Joe. He stood there, holding her, pressing kisses into her hair.

"I love you."

It was nothing more than a very soft murmur. Barely there. Only audible for the two of them. The words hung heavily in the air around the pair.

Taylor's voice had been hoarse and thick with emotion when she had spoken the short sentence. Joe only reacted by pulling her even closer to him.

She seemed to slowly calm down within his arms. After a little while she pulled away from him a bit, looking into his eyes.

"I'm sorry." She told him. "I didn't mean to get like this."

"Hey, never apologise for breaking down or not feeling great." He said sternly.

"I just wish I were here when the news got released."

"I wish we could've waited for another week, like in the original plan." She sighed in response.

"I know, me too, but there's nothing we can do about it now, can we? So, let's just stop worrying for a moment, shall we?"

She nodded and pulled him into an embrace once again. When she let go, she closed her eyes and sighed deeply, before drying her cheeks and flashing him a slight smile.

"Wanna watch some Netflix?"

"I'd love nothing more." He smiled back, happy she was at least a bit okay again. "You choose a movie, I'll go get some hot chocolate and snacks."

After all was done, they cuddled up under a large blanket. A romcom was playing on the big screen in front of them, two damping mugs and a tray of cookies on the side table.

"I'm very happy your home." She mumbled.

He smiled at the use of that word, just like he had done earlier in the car. He loved she felt the same way he did.

Loved her.

"Me too."

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