Making Her Feel Better (18+)

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Author's Note: This fic is definitely *mature* and includes some shower sex, so only read if you're okay with that. I hope you guys like this! I know it's been a little while since I posted my last fic and even longer since i've done a mature one, so let me know what you think!

As he woke up, Joe looked down at the sleeping blonde beauty in his arms and couldn't help but admire how peaceful and gorgeous she looked, resting with no makeup and her hair all over. He couldn't bring himself to wake her up, as she had been so tired the day before.

However, Joe knew that he wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep, so he decided he might as well get up and go for a quick run and bring back some breakfast for the two of them. He gently removed himself from under the warmth of their covers, careful not to wake Taylor, and proceeded to quickly throw on some workout clothes and head out the door.

After a quick run, Joe returned with some coffee and Taylor's favorite breakfast sandwich from a little cafe near their London house. He headed up the stairs towards their bedroom to surprise Taylor with some breakfast in bed, and found her already awake, sleepily scrolling through her phone.

"Hey baby, you're up! I just went for a quick run and picked up breakfast for us" Joe explained, walking over to the bed and placing Taylor's breakfast on her nightstand.

"I can't even think about eating anything right now, I just wanted to cuddle with you, but you abandoned me all alone" Taylor dramatically responded with an adorable pout on her face, still not fully awake.

"I'm sorry babe, you looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake you. Why don't you want to eat? I brought your favorite breakfast sandwich and some coffee," Joe offered.

Taylor cuddled up next to Joe before explaining, "Because I'm in pain. These stupid cramps woke me up. I hate my period so much. But thank you for the thought, I forgive you for leaving me," Taylor added, clearly still not in the happiest of moods.

Joe hated that she was in pain, but couldn't help but find her completely adorable in her half asleep and stubborn state. In an attempt to make her feel better he leaned over and kissed her neck and began gently rubbing her stomach, hoping it would ease her cramps a little bit.

"I'm sorry baby, is there anything you need me to get you or is there something I can do to make you feel better?" Joe asked.

"You can stop touching me like that. As good as that feels, these hormones are already making me more horny than usual, and you touching me is not helping the situation. I don't want to be in pain and wanting you, even though I can't have you until this stupid period is over" Taylor groaned.

Joe couldn't help but laugh at her blunt honesty before responding, "who says you can't have me right now? I may not be able to make your period go away, but I can take care of you in that department. And who knows, maybe an orgasm will also help your cramps feel better" Joe responded, the smirk evident in his voice, while continuing to touch her, gently running his hand over her lower abdomen.

"Baby, we can't have sex right now. I'm bleeding and it will get everywhere. Trust me, it won't be sexy and you will be disgusted," Taylor shot back.

"First of all, sex with you could never disgust me. And second of all, I would do anything to make you feel better right now. What if we move this to the shower? Then we don't have to worry about the mess. A little blood isn't going to scare me away from giving you what you need," Joe suggested.

Taylor had to admit, this wasn't a terrible idea, and she really was craving him. Maybe sex would take care of two issues, her horniness and her cramps. She had always wanted sex more while she was on her period, but never considered actually asking a boyfriend to deal with that. But she was more comfortable with Joe than she had been in any of her past relationships, and if he was really okay with this, she wasn't going to argue.

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