Bumps And Bruises

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: unknown writers:


I knew he was across the room and i was planning on ignoring him for the rest of the night. I wasn't even going to make eye contact with him because I knew I would either burst into tears or have to have a conversation with him and I didn't really want to do either of those things.

I felt Joe's hand squeeze mine as he looked at me, a frown flashing across his features, he had no idea what I was fretting about yet he was still worried about it, and he wonders why i wanted to get away from him when all he would do in this situation would be to try and make out with me.

As my mind played back memories of the things we did together I realised how different the relationship was from the beginning to the end, I remember in the beginning how we spent our summer, how we laughed and joked and he had cared. But I would forever remember the end of what we had, how by the end we barely saw each other, how he was obsessed with work and only wanted sex.

I was snapped out of my reverie by Joe's hand moving to my waist, pulling me into his side, his mouth moving to my ear so he could talk at listening volume as it was so loud at this party.

'What's wrong?' Joe had cared for me for the last 4 months, in a way he never had, and showed no signs of letting up.

'Nothing' I said back to him kissing his cheek, he was always asking if I was okay and I knew I could tell him anything and he would be on my side and he would care and reassure me that everything would be okay but I didn't want to tell him this. I didn't want to have to explain why I was like this or who was over there. I just couldn't. A part of me secretly hoped that he had seen me kiss Joe's cheek and rest his arm on my hip instead of my arse. A part of me wanted him to see what a boyfriend should be like at parties where most people are sober.

'Babe.' He said to me, as if he knew I was lying, of course he knew I was lying. He knew me and everything I did when I lied. I realised then that I was fiddling with his necklace, sliding the oval pendant along the silver chain, something he had picked up on that I do when I'm nervous. Or when I am stretching the truth.

'He's over there' I said into his shoulder, not wanting to say it any louder or admit it was actually happening and not wanting to think about the fact that there was a very large possibility he had seen me and he had seen Joe. Joe squeezed me into his side even more, making sure I knew that he wasn't going anywhere and that he wasn't going to end up like him.

'Let's have more fun than him,' he smiled at me as I looked up at him, slowly twisting my lips to mimic his own. He moved again so our fingers were intertwined and he dove between the crowds of people surrounding the bar, pulling me along with him. He lifted me up and sat me on a bar stool, even though he knew I could get up on my own he still helped me, wanted to make me laugh, smile, happy.

'Two vodka shots please' he called to the bartender before turning back to me, a giant grin now spread across his gorgeous features. I shook my head at him a little chuckle escaping me. The bartender lined up two glasses as Joe slammed some cash on the counter and poured the clear liquid into each of them. He passed one to me then took one for himself, 'You ready?' I nodded my head eagerly before we downed our shots. I felt the burn down my throat and the warmth in my stomach then Joe's hand in mine again pulling me back to where we once were.

I giggled as we ended up on the dance floor and he span me round and round, swayed with me and copied all my dance movies, my mind was so far from where it had been earlier. My brain was busy concentrating on the gorgeous face in front of me instead of the looming man in the corner.

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