Never Be The Same, Now

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Credit: forevergoingwithaflow89 on Tumblr


He opens his eyes all of a sudden, breathes heavily. He was deeply asleep when a loud noise from downstairs was startling him to death. The next thing he can notice through the dark is the empty side of the bed beside him, the blanket put aside and her smell the most noticeable reminder that she has been sleeping here, right next to him. Joe slowly sits up, starts to get worried all of a sudden. It's obviously the middle of the night and the combination of a loud collision and his missing girlfriend is something that is not helping him get back to sleep any time soon.

Barefoot and with nothing on but  his boxers and a shirt, he starts to make his way downstairs the carpeted staircase. He can hear her voice from afar, the bright light in the kitchen already dazzling his eyes. As soon as he enters the spacious room, he stops in the doorframe confused and clearly sleepy with his eyes pinched together.

"No. Kennel. No. That's not your food. Stop or I'll have to..."

"What the bloody.."

"Oh my god."  

She suddenly startles hysterically, looks up to the man standing in front of her, then sighs deeply and places a hand on her heart. He almost scared her to death since she hasn't noticed him walking downstairs. Joe just looks at his clearly agitated girlfriend, who's crouching in front of a huge mess of icing on the floor, both hands on the kitchen paper to clean it all up while trying to keep Kennel, his beloved Husky, away from the sugary consistency.

"You almost startled me to death." she sighs, then keeps on cleaning up while having a shoulder to snout fight with his dog. Joe can't help but smirk at both Taylor and Kennel and grabs the dog by his collar to keep him from eating the unhealthy stuff.

"Any particular reason why you're cleaning some chocolate icing from the floor at three in the morning or should I just not ask." he says sarcastically and incredibly tired while crouching next to his dog. Taylor just looks up at him, still make- up free and with a little curly bun in her neck while wiping over the floor one last time to make sure the marble tiles won't be sticky in the morning. Taylor sighs and gets up to throw away the left-over kitchen paper. She then turns to the sink to wash her hands, doesn't really answer him.

" I was waiting for the scones to be ready and I couldn't find anything better to do so I thought, why shouldn't chocolate scones not have the right to be covered by even more chocolate? Exactly. There's no logical reason behind it, so I..." she blabbers, has felt Joe placing his big hands on her hips right over her loose shirt already when she started talking. By now, he already wrapped his arms around her stomach and puffs some warm breath into her neck while laughing about her statement.

"So you were just casually working on your petition for the justice of chocolate icing on chocolate scones?"

He mumbles into her warm skin, still a big grin on his face even though he could fall asleep immediately while pressing his head into her neck. Taylor escapes a small giggle. She loves him for keeping up with her weird stories sometimes.

"Exactly." she replies. Thanks to the towel in front, her hands are dry now and she places them on his arms while softly leaning back and looking outside the kitchen window. It's too bright in the room to see anything but the reflection of them in the glass. Yet she focuses on the lights of the city of London from afar that are sparkling through the black night.

"What's wrong?" he asks then, a lot more serious and gentle than before, kisses her neck one more time before letting go off her and making her turn around to face him. As soon as she can look into his eyes, she wraps her arms around his shoulders. Leaning against the sink now, she looks at him, tries to fake a smile but he knows that something clearly is up.

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