New Year's Day

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Credit: she-so-swift on Tumblr


"60 seconds to go!" Joe shouted out to everyone in the living room, causing them to all gather around the TV to watch the London Eye fireworks.

Joe and Taylor had arranged a New Years party at Taylor's rental place in London, and they invited many of Joe's friends, who brought their girlfriends along. It was all good vibes with great people. Taylor had met most of them and was friendly with them all; they were all respectful and supportive of her and Joe's relationship, making her love her man even more for surrounding himself with great people.

Joe walked over to Taylor as everyone in the room positioned themselves in front of the TV. He smiled at her as he placed one arm around her waist, whilst his other hand held a bottle of wine.

"15 seconds to go! I need a bottle too mate!" One of Joe's friend's exclaimed as he grabbed a wine bottle from the table and stood back in place with his girlfriend.

"10, 9, 8, 7......." everyone began chanting. Joe looked over at Taylor who was also chanting along with the biggest smile on her face, she was radiating happiness and he loved how overly excited she always got.

"6, 5, 4....." Joe began opening the wine bottle just in time for it to burst open when they got to 0.

"3, 2, 1....." his, and everyone else's wine bottle burst open as they all shouted.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!" The room roared with excitement and wine spilt everywhere.

Taylor and Joe turned to one another and went in for their midnight kiss.

Taylor placed her hands on Joe's chest, whilst his free hand that wasn't holding the wine bottle placed itself on her waist. The kiss was soft and passionate, lasting a bit longer than everyone else's. It's like time had stopped for a moment and it was just the two of them, kissing. The cheering echoed in the background, sounding as though it was for them. They both felt the others' lips smile during the kiss and then they finally parted, their foreheads touching.

"Here's to another year, I love you" Joe whispered to her, not dropping eye contact.

"Happy new year to you too babe, I love you" Taylor replied back with the biggest grin on face. He loved seeing her happy. Even more so as he knew all the nonsense she had put up with being of such high status. Him being able to put a smile on her face meant a lot to him. She really did love him, and he was grateful that he could love someone back who was beautiful and humble - she really is everything you could look for in a lover.

The room was beaming with excitement, as people were yelling loudly to welcome the new year. Joe poured himself and Taylor a glass of wine and then they both cuddled up into each other's arms as they fixed their eyes on the TV to continue watching the fireworks.

"It's so beautiful, I love it!" Taylor beamed, appreciating how colourful and intense the display was, as this was her first time celebrating in the UK.

She was cuddled up in her lover's arms welcoming in a new chapter, and she wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

"One day I'm going to take you there so you can watch them in person, they're absolutely insane!" Joe exclaimed, hugging Taylor even tighter as he rested his head on hers. Taylor's heart was warm and fuzzy, she was completely in love with Joe and the normalcy he brought into her life. The way he went all out just to make sure she would experience regular outings and not be seen. He did his best to take her to places he loved and did everything he could to make her feel loved, and for that she was forever grateful for him entering her life.

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