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I feel the rumble.

I hear the growls.

But the pain I endure

Because of society's prowls.

"You're fat."

"You're ugly."

"Your body is shit."

Thanks, Captain Obvious,

Why else do you think

I punish myself?

"Not skinny enough."

Well, what happens

When I'm just bone?

Do you care for my health?

My feelings?

My fears?

No, because you can't look past

The mirrors.

I go hungry to please

You, but what do I get in return?

Pain and suffering and my

Stomach constantly churns.

If pain is beauty,

I must be a sight.

Because you've hurt me again

And again.

And eventually,

I stopped my fight.

I feel empty inside.

I feel unhealthy within.

Society put up a fight,

And words is how they win.

Stick and stones, right?

Especially if you're

A pile of anorexic bones.

Sure, Thanks, I am FineWhere stories live. Discover now