Chapter 5 - Thank You

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"U-Ugh! Why am I s-such a pussy whenever SHE'S there?!" Kyle sobbed, drowning Davíd's shirt in tears as the Latino was just murmuring comforting words to him.

"Okay Kyle, go on... go on... tell me how you feel. I want you to release all those negativity to me"

Kyle felt Davíd gently rub his back, giving him the courage to finally speak up.

"W-Whenever I see him with her, my heart clenches so hard... d-do you know how that feels? L-like that feeling when your guilty about something..? B-but the pain is 10 times worst!" He was speaking shakily as he explained.

David hummed as agreement.

I think we all know how that feels.

Even of we try to deny that pain, it's always there. 'Humanity'

"I.... I feel so guilty that I cry about this shit EVERYDAY, yet I never seem to do anything about it"

"I'm not that perfect, athletic, smart, or whatever else they call me person who they think I am. I'm just human. I have things I'm good at, thing I'm bad at, and I FEEL."

"They think just because of some petty emotion, I can instantly just stand up for myself."

Kyle's voice got more louder than before.

"But THAT'S the problem! I... I'm weak. I know I can get a better ending for myself, and I know that I can stand up for the better... b-but I just... don't. I don't why. Why...? Why can't I deny whatever Stan tells me or asks me?!"

"It always reaches to a part where I'm willing to give up ANYTHING just to see him see smile again whenever he's hurt..."

"I even don't care anymore of I'm hurting! It's l-like, I'm getting used to the pain of just being someone at the side who's eventually going to be forgotten. I.... I don't wanna get used to this pain... I might just..... accept wherever this goes to now... t-that can't happen! I have to go help Stan! I have to let him release that fucking bitch!"

Kyle paused for a while before he suddenly laughed.

"What the hell am I even spouting to myself?! ME? Help Stan? Hah! You probably think I'm all words and no shit. 'Help him' my ass! If I wanted to help him, then I shouldn't be here crying about my emotions! I should be out there, telling him to fucking just let go!"

"I'm useless! I can't do anything anymore! The only thing I am to him is a vessel to all his problems, but then after wearying me with all his problems, he's back to her, and the process continues."

"I... don't even know what or who I am anymore... I don't know what to do or how to act it's so... heavy."

"H-Hey... its.... okay to cry right? Everyone has problems. That's why whenever someone ends up grieving to much you always end up telling yourself 'it's not like your the only one has problems' but I disagree with that. Even if we have the simplest of problems, it maters to who we are and how we can handle rose problems. I'm.... more of the type who's actually pretty strong... emotionally and mentally h-haha if I do say so myself.... even if I do tell myself sometimes that I'm weak... but.... EVEN THE STRONGEST PERSON CAN CRY just because of emotions."

Kyle didn't know what to say anymore. He didn't want to release anymore of his problems to Davíd.

Those should have been enough already..... For now.

Kyle's forehead suddenly felt a soft sensation and he knew Davíd was kissing him there.

He almost laughed.

T-This is so gay right now....


But then, a sentence made him feel much better about himself, for no particular reason.

Who knows? Maybe he was out waiting to heard it from someday else rather than  just firm himself.

"It's okay"

"It's okay to cry"

"It's okay to hurt"

"It's okay to be weak"

"We all have our limitations, and I'm just gonna a be a simple stepping stone to help you overcome this one.

Kyle saw how passionately Davíd smiled at him, a heart melting smile that could make all your problems fly away.

He nuzzled his head back to Davíd's chest, face slightly heating up from embarrassment as he realized what had just happen and he thought about something

Shit. Who knew crying was actually pretty good when you have someone with you who understands.

After a few more minutes of just holding Kyle quietly, Davíd suddenly felt happy. He was happy he could help.

Davíd was glad to feel that Kyle had finally calmed down and wasn't shaking as hard from before.

He pulled Kyle closer to him, the feeling of protecting the ginger like that was just so right to him.

What was he thinking?

Kyle liked Stan.

He knew that.

He shouldn't hold on to this feeling because he knows it'll just end up with him hurting.

It's not worth it.

There are better people out there for him, wh-- "Thank You" a soft whisper spoke in such a sweet voice.

David jolted a bit when small arms had encircled around his waist, hugging him back.

And he heard it again. "Thank you"

The soft voice that was thanking him made his knees go weak.

With hesitance, he looked down to the ginger who was know looking up at him, teary eyes that shined so brightly and a small smile that was plastered on the small oval shaped face.

"Thank You, Davíd" 2 simple words that made him instantly change his mind.

What the hell was I even talking about, he is worth it.


*This chapter is kinda just a filler... s-sorry! Busy schedule!! I'm or if I took long, or if this chapter seemed a bit different from the other 3. It's kinda just character development for the two of them, and so you could understand Kyle more. I'm not that good with comforting scenes and I know you'll be able to tell when you read it, but I hope you still enjoyed this chapter!! (I'll try to update once a week)*

Be sure to vote IF you liked the chapter! And if you didn't well... uh... This is awkward.... 

J-Just give me the good old blank.


~Babai! ;)

Question: Do you know if Stan actually heard all this or not? O3O

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