Chapter 15 - I'm confused

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Stan's POV


I slammed my fist at the locker where I held Kyle by the neck earlier.

What the fuck should I believe on?!

I'm so damn confused!


After I had dealt my business with Kyle and ended out friendship I stomped away, furious.

I still want to know what the fuck came over him.

But I know one thing for damn sure.

Someone is in the wrong here...

I can feel it.

"Kyle!" I heard someone yell at him.

But I was too fixated on leaving to even give a crap to who it was. Besides, why does it concern me anyway?

I'm not his friend anymore.

I went back to where I told Wendy and Heidi to hide as I dealt with Kyle.

But as I inched closer to the door, I could hear my girlfriend giggling.

Was she okay now?

"Like, that was so smart of you Wendy!" The voice, obviously Heidi's stated.

"I know! Now that gay piece of shit can be thrown out from our business! Stupid --- ----yle!! Ahhahahhahaa!!"

I couldn't hear part of Wendy's response. I wonder what they're talking about...?

The door swinged open and Wendy weakly smiled at me.

"Ohhh!! Stan! So, Er... I mean... D-Did you give that guy what he deserved?!"

I was quick to notice the change of her demeanour, as well as Heidi's.

Something is really wrong here.

And I have to know what.

I just nodded as a response and Wendy squealed as she pecked me on the cheek and ran out, in a hurry for some reason.

Heidi just smiled at me innocently as she gestured at me to go after Wendy.

I closed the door and started to walk to who knows where. My mind wasn't really going on track right now.

When I was beating Kyle, my mind was hovered with dangerous thoughts of just killing him....

But now that I'm thinking straight, I'm starting to wonder.

'Can KYLE really do what they accused him of doing?'

THE Kyle who's been always there for me?

THE Kyle who I spent my whole life with?

THE Kyle who's never thrown me out?

And now I just feel like an asshole.

Was I right to just believe Wendy and Heidi?


Yea, Yea.... They... They're not... They couldn't possibly have LIED to me right?

I mean.... why would they??

"I know! Now that gay piece of shit can be thrown out from our business! Stupid --- ----yle!! Ahhahahhahaa!!"

The words that Wendy claimed earlier ran in my ears.

I wonder who she was talking about though....

A few minutes I heard obnoxious crying coming from inside the clinic.

"Please... Help... I don't.... I can't... I... I.... ..... *sob*"


My heart clenched.

It was Kyle.

I stood still in front of the door and slightly inched closer to try and actually see. I didn't know why... but I had to know his side of the story.

Then I heard a humming voice trying to somewhat be comforting.

"Hmm... hmm... Kyle... Kyle. Please, just understand Stan okay? He's being manipulated again... as usual. But we have to hold on! For him!" I immediately recognized the voice as Bebe's. She was rubbing Kyle's back.

Me? Manipulated?

I couldn't see Bebe's expression since she was turned back to the door but I can clearly see Kyle's.

He looks so... broken.



And just overall.... tired.

"I'm sorry... I... just... I don't even know why I'm still holding on..." I heard him answer.

"Because he NEEDS you, okay? YOU are the only one that can save him from HER grasps" Bebe concluded with a serious face.

I do?

Do I?

".........." Kyle didn't answer any more and just sniffled, eyes still looking as sad as ever.

It was too late for me to notice a girl walk right in front of me.

"Red?" I asked.

She looked like she just came from a beat up with all her wounds, and her tear struck face. But she had a brave and determined expression on.

Wait, does this mean Kyle really did something to her?

"I don't care what the fuck that bitch does to me. I'm FIXING this." She claimed as she suddenly dragged me away.


Kyle's POV


I looked back with death in my eyes to see Bebe and Red chasing after me.

I then felt fear.


N-No... what is she gonna do?

Is she going to make Stan hate me more? Is she going to spread how I hurt her too?

Red saw my expression and she bit her lip.

My body was too weak to run as she bolted over to me.

"Kyle.... K-Kyle...."

It took me a while to notice she was crying too. And even the fresh bruises on her face and arms were very questioning.

They looked all too familiar.

I glanced over at my stomach.

I knew it.

The bruises I have are identical to hers. Did Heidi do this to her?

She hugged me lightly, knowing about my wounds as she sobbed.

"I'm so sorry.... To what I did to you...." I didn't know what to say.

I wasn't exactly and at her for some reason....

I looked over at Bebe as she grabs me and helps me walk over to the clinic.

"Red told me everything" Bebe nonchalantly said, expressionless.

But then I saw the disappointment in her eyes.

I could clearly read her thoughts.

What happens to the Wendy I once called a best friend? Where did it all go wrong?


*We didn't have Internet for the WHOLE month. There's my reason for slow updates :D

Be sure to vote IF you liked the chapter! And if you didn't well... uh... This is awkward.... 

J-Just give me the good old blank.


~Babai! ;)

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