Chapter 16 - What a bad day

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Stan's POV

It was too late for me to notice a girl walk right in front of me.

"Red?" I asked.

She looked like she just came from a beat up with all her wounds, and her tear struck face. But she had a brave and determined expression on.

Wait, does this mean Kyle really did something to her?

"I don't care what the fuck that bitch does to me. I'm FIXING this." She claimed as she suddenly dragged me away.


"........Uh Red?"






"Red. What did Kyle do to you?"

She gave me a look of disbelief this time instead of just ignoring me.

"Wh- even you Stan?! You belive what those bitches say?!"

I gave her a look.

"Didn't Kyle do that to you?" I asked her.

Okay, here begins knowing the truth. I hope.

She answers me with a glare and just continues on dragging me off.

I could only grunt in response.

Who knew she had a hard grip.

"We're here" She breaths out.

"What are we doing here exactly?"

We were standing in front of computer lab, and she was incoding something unto one of the computers.

I heard a beep and she gestured at me to go closer.

"Okay, before I show you anything... I want you to know something."

I saw an expression that surprised me hard. She looked... remorseful.

Like she jut did something REALLY bad.

"O....kay? I won't do anything. I promise!" I tried to reassure her.

She only smiled at me sadly as an answer.

"Could you really say that after you see this though?"


As Red was revealing the truth to Stan about his wrecked girlfriend, one particular ginger was still sniffling inside the clinic.

"Stupid... Stupid... heart!"

He weakly punches his chest as he tries to not sniffle anymore, failing miserably.

" *sniffle* If you don't stop liking Stan... *sniffle* Y-You might break me..."

Bebe had left already, saying she was gonna deal with Wendy.

Even though Kyle tried to force her not to, she somehow still ended up convincing him that she will do something about it.

Kyle's ears perk up when the doors open.

Revealing.... Davíd.

But something was really wrong.

Davíd... looked drunk...?

"Yep. We're going to do this again" Davíd winks at him seductively, obviously drunk.

"O-Oh, no... you d-"

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