Chapter 17 - Never let you go

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(Okaaaay? Let us go back a bit okay readers? Well go back aaaalll the way to Stan being with Red, in HIS POV! Don't worry, while you're reading this, the previous chapter's events are still happening at Kyles perspective. I jut want you guys yo know why Stan is back on track already!)

Stan's POV

"Watch closely Stan."

She made me sit down as she started playing whatever she had plugged into the computer.

The video started....

It started inside a toilet room. But it was obviously not ours, so it was probably the girl's toilet room.

The camera was directed at... Wendy?

"What the? What are you showing me Red?! This better not be something sexual!" I yelled at Red, what the fuck is this?!

I just had a total smack down with Kyle and I don't think seeing this shit will do anything good.

Red smacked me in the head.

"It's not like that you horndog! Just watch and keep quite!!"

I rolled my eyes but placed my focus back at the screen.

"Guys.... I really don't want to have a part in this..."

I immediately knew who spoke. It was Red. I mean, I couldn't see her though, so she was the one probably recording.

I saw how Wendy just glared at the camera, supposedly Red, and replied,

"That's not my problem! You owe me one, so you better do as I say!"

Wendy cackled in an un-ladylike manner and looked back at Heidi.

"Get him"

'What are they doing? Get who?'

I couldn't understand what I was seeing right now, but I had to know.

I have to know.

I stared at the screen once more.


Stan then saw how his girlfriend went in one of the stalls and slam it shut. He heard a sigh from the video, which was clearly Red's voice, but then he was surprised when the door suddenly slammed open and someone was kicked face straight underneath the stall where Wendy was.

"What the heck?" Stan thought out loud.

Red had heard him and held his shoulders down.

"Brace yourself. You'll feel like shot after this" Red spoke with a guilty voice.

Who was getting kicked underneath the stall by his girlfriend? He then heard a snap sort of sound inside the stall and he knew it was a because someone inside head just taken a photo of something.

But then, as Stan stared at the body structure of the person, it dawned to him.

It was KYLE!!

He had too much questions that suddenly piled up at the back of his mind, but he decided to just watch more.

Stan then saw how Kyle was yelled at by his girlfriend, and he saw how his best friend tried to answer back.

I was suddenly surprised when Kyle glared at Wendy and spat at her! What the hell Kyle?

Though, their voices went a bit muffled slightly at that part so I couldn't hear mig of what Kyle said afterwards.

( This is the part where Kyle tells Wendy that he liked Stan, so Red covered it up so that Kyle can be the one to really tell Stan )

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