Chapter 3 - Huh.

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Kyle left the empty classroom and went to his locker.

'I'll just grab my books and walk around campus for a bit, it's better to do rather than just pathetically force myself to look fine on that empty classroom'

While walking, he suddenly remembered all the times that he cried in that classroom.

He smiled to himself.

'But I guess I do appreciate that classroom... its been a kind of cope for me when I want to cry my eyes out'

When he finally arrived to his locker he unlocked it and grabbed the books he needed for his morning schedule.

"Ah! Broflovski! Please come over here! Quick!" His head spun around to see Professor Yarn calling him.

After slamming his locker shut, he walked over to the Professor.

'Fuck. Is he going to accuse me of cheating again for getting perfect on the last test?'

"Broflovski. Since you seem to have plenty of time on your hands, can I ask you a favor? I'd do if myself but your finals are coming up so I have to be focused on that"

He thought about it.

"Okay, sure"

He just agreed.

Kyle thought it was just gonna be normal orders like bringing books to the librarian again, or conducting the school hymn they regularly sang, just like what the other Professers would normally ask him to do.

The professor just smiled and suddenly called out to someone.

"Okay! You may come out now!"

Kyle immediately saw a tall, well-built guy go out from the teacher's faculty.

"Yes, Professor?" Kyle shuddered a bit as he noticed that the guy even had an accent.

As much as he was shy to admit it to himself, the guy currently talking with the professor in front of was him was H-O-T.

You could see a slight line of muscles from the shirt he was wearing.

"Broflovski, meet Rodriguez. Rodriguez, meet Broflovski" The professor introduced.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you"  I greeted him and then smiled to be polite but he just stared at me.

The professor looked confused too.

The guy just continued staring at me, with mouth agape.

"'Nice to meet you?'" The guy finally spoke, smiling.

"Kyle, it's me! Davíd!"

And that's when Kyle remembered when he heard the familiar pronunciation of "Dah-veed"

"Woah dude! Your finally back!" Kyle greeted, a bit embarrassed now that he's having a reunion.

"Yup! So, what'd I miss when I wasn't here?" Davíd asked.

"You weren't gone for that long man, just about.... 1 or 2 years I guess? Oh yeah! I thought you said you were going to college at your home country?" Kyle remembered their last years of high school when Davíd publicly announced that he was leaving for another country.

"Yeah, well, I got my parents to agree that I choose my university and course this time. And I really just ended choosing a university from South Park" The Latino smiled at him.

Kyle nudged at him.

"Cool! I'm happy for you! I guess you really just can't get away from South Park huh?"

"Oh shut up" Davíd countered back.

Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by a cough.

"Sorry to break your reunion, but as I was saying....." The Professor suddenly butted in.

Both Kyle and Davíd rubbed the back of their heads, a bit guilty.

.....Just a bit.

"Broflovski, show Rodriguez around the school. I don't want him to experience what the other student experienced when they had their first day here." The Professor ordered.

Kyle just nodded and they both watched the professor walk away.

"What happened on the first day?" Davíd eagerly asked.

"70% of the student population from the school never found their class till noon because the school was too big for them." He shrugged.

Kyle was part of the remaining students who were lucky enough to actually read the handbook they were given to know the spot around the university.

"Wow. Than I'm lucky to have you by my side then, Kyle. C'mon! Show me around!" The taller Latino grabbed him and started dragging him to God knows where.

Huh... someone finally told me their glad to have me by their side...

He stared at the large hand gripping his wrist.

Kyle smiled to himself.

I never knew it'd feel this nice...


*Yey! Davìd is good boy! He make my Kyle happy! Unlike bad boy Stan! A dumb fuk that can't see that Wendy is a not for him! Let's all be happy for Kyle you guys! Ahahaha! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, as usual*

Be sure to vote IF you liked the chapter! And if you didn't well... uh... This is awkward.... 

J-Just give me the good old blank.


~Babai! ;)

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