Chapter 2 - Oh.

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The next day, Kyle woke up pretty early (as usual) and quickly went in the bath to take a shower so he could cook breakfast for him and his dumbass roommate who was still sleeping.

In the bath, Kyle stared at himself. Wet, and vulnerable.

It was weird how the mirrors were just above the tub so you could really see yourself take a bath.

'I'm glad that I got the idea to cut off my jewfro.... I mean, I liked the hairstyle back then, but I guess as I got older it kinda just didn't seem right having it anymore'

He sunk his face lower and made bubbles as he watched his red locks lightly flow in the tub.

'I never even realised that my hair is getting longer, it's almost by my shoulders now... Well, it doesn't look that bad so I guess I'll just keep it.'

After finishing he went to their cabinet for clothes (the university had the brains to place it inside the rest room so that they didn't have to experience the problem of having to go pass through their sleeping roommate while naked because they forgot their towel)

He randomly grabbed a plain white shirt and even if he wanted to wear his beloved orange jacket, he had to wear the university sweater because that was the only one that you were allowed to wear in school grounds. His hands were still roaming around, trying to feel for something.

'Fucking Kenny....'

He suddenly remembered that Kenny actually took his hat yesterday.

'Dammit, I'll just make breakfast already'

Of course, before heading to the small kitchen that went with the room, he opened the room back to where Stan was and he yelled,

"WAKE UP DUDE! Get your ass up from bed and take a bath right now before I grab a bucket and hit you with it."

Stan woke up and grumbled a bit as response.

"Why the fuck would you hit me with a bucket...?" He replied, groggily forcing himself up and wobbled over to the bath.

Kyle quickly fixed both of their sheets, and then scrabbled to the kitchen to make breakfast.


When Stan went out from the bath, towel along his shoulders, he was immediately introduced to the familiar aroma of pancakes.

After changing, he headed straight towards the kitchen.

He looked at Kyle, who was currently setting up their table, with two clips at the side of his head to lock some of his hair, and a pink apron around him.

He really look liked a housewife which made Stan chuckle a bit by the thought of it.

"Good Morning dude" Kyle greeted.

Stan wheezed.

"You say that, yet you greeted me earlier with an 'I'll hit you with a bucket threat'" Stan replied, noticing how Kyle gave him glare as an reply.

"Whatever dude. Just sit down so we can start eating" 

Breakfast was as normal as always, it was pretty silent if you'd ignore the obnoxious kicking of legs down the table.

Stan sighed in delight when he felt the pancakes in his mouth and continued gobbling down, finally stopping their kicking war.

Kyle just stared at Stan.

He gripped his fork when he remembered yesterday's events.

'He's acting just the same...'

But Kyle knew better.

He knew there was still something wrong from that genuine smile that Stan is trying to give him.

Though, not wanting to cause something bigger, he didn't say anything about it.

And then Stan spoke.

"Shit man, where DID you learn to cook like this?" Stan asked as he grabbed a glass full of water.

Kyle puffed his cheeks.


It was pretty peaceful until.....

Stan's phone rang.

He grabbed it, still with pancakes in his mouth, and clicked answer.

Before talking, he swallowed hard.

"Hey, What's up?" Stan began.

Kyle just continued drinking his juice. 'Ignore.. Ignore... Ignore'


When Kyle heard the name, his ears perked up.





"Yup. We can"


"Can't wait"

"----- love you Stan"

"I love you too babe, bye" Stan hang up.

I love you too

Kyle rubbed his temple as he tried not to feel grief that those words weren't directed at him, but directed towards a fuck that didn't even deserve them.

"I see you've gone back together" Kyle started, legs shaking from anger down.

"Yeah! Isn't it great how forgiving she is so quickly? Man, am I lucky!"

'Lucky? Yeah right...'

Kyle just smiled.

Not wanting to crush his best friend's new found spirit, he forced himself to sound as happy as possible.

"Yup! I'm so happy for you dude!"

The day went on a bit brighter for Stan, and a bit darker for Kyle.

Yup! I'm so happy for you dude

He clenched his fists at the choice words he said earlier.

"If only... I could say the truth without having to see that broken look you have on your  face... Then maybe... I could actually help you face your problems"

Kyle covered his face, trying not to tear up there in the empty classroom he was currently in.

"I'm so sorry that I'm weak like this Stan. I'm sorry that I let my feeling for you take advantage of me. And that I only want you to feel nothing but happiness."

A single drop that he could stop fell.

"And I'm so sorry that I love you like this...."


*I hope that Kyle is gonna be happy on the next chapter! ;-; Awww! I feel so bad for him! *chokes Stan* WHY ARE YOU SO NAIVE?! Er uh, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as well.... hehehe...*

Be sure to vote IF you liked the chapter! And if you didn't well... uh... This is awkward.... 

J-Just give me the good old blank.


~Babai! ;)

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