Meet Your Match

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The following morning, a Thursday morning, Manny didn't feel like hanging around the athletic building all day like she usually would so she stayed home until she had to be at practice. She was sitting at the dinning room table with her books and work papers when she saw her mom walking inside from getting the mail.

"Mija, you got more work." Kiara called out, walking through the foyer and to where Manny was sitting. "You got some health stuff." Kiara said, opening the package of books and worksheets. She set the package down on the table and she flipped through the book.

"I'm halfway through my senior year and they're just now giving me that?" Manny scoffed. "Ricky said he took health sophomore year."

Kiara chuckled as she read over some of the pages. "Well, I guess we can skip the safe sex part since it's kinda to late to teach you about abstinence."

Manny laughed and leaned her elbows against the table as she felt her baby kicking. "I can feel her kicking. She's mad you said that."

Kiara reached down and rubbed her hand across her daughter's baby bump. "Finish up this so we can go get breakfast. You can start your health at the football practice. Maybe if you're in the mood, we can go get our nails done?"

"Yeah, sure." Manny nodded, looking down at her chipped nail polish that was on her nails. "I'm almost done. Just 20 more minutes. But can I ask you a question?"

Kiara nodded her head with a soft hum as she sat down in the chair that was next to Manny's. "What's up?"

"How much weight did you gain when you were pregnant with me?" Manny wondered, looking over at her mom and dropping her pencil down. "Cause I'm only 7 months, just made 29 weeks and I've gained 50 pounds."

"That's perfectly normal, mija. Lots of women gain 30, 40, 50 pounds while pregnant." Kiara assured her. "Don't be insecure about it. It's normal, Manny. You'll look perfectly fine."

Manny gave her mom a half smile. Kiara smiled softly back while getting up and going into the back hall so she could go take a shower. "You're beautiful, Maria."


Meanwhile, Andrew was laying in bed answering text messages and checking social media as he heard footsteps walking around him. Andrew turned over in the bed to see Madison kneeling on the bed.

"Good morning, sleepy head. Took you long enough to wake up." Madison smiled. "Want some breakfast? I made pancakes."

Andrew groaned as he stretched his arms. "Yeah. I'll be right down. Your mom leave already?"

Madison nodded as she got off the bed and walked over to her makeup table to fix her bun. "Yeah, she left about an hour ago. You were still sleeping."

"Wanna go out today?" Andrew wondered, sitting up in Madison's bed. "Spend some time together before I go up to the field to hang with the gang."

Madison shrugged as she looked at Andrew in the mirror of her vanity. "If you wanna. I don't mind staying home and watching some movies on the couch. I'll be cool with that."

Andrew chuckled as he climbed out of the bed and walked over to the brunette girl with blonde mixed into her hair. She was in a pink sports bra, grey sweatpants that were his, and pink fuzzy socks to keep her feet warm. Andrew wrapped his arms around her shoulders and kissed her cheek before kissing down to her neck.

"I love you." Andrew spoke against her skin. "So much."

"I love you too." Madison smiled, turning her head to the side and kissing his lips. "You haven't told your friends have you?"

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