Familiar Faces

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Friday night all of the members of the Jaguars were getting geared up for another battle on their home field. Tonight was their last home game before their homecoming game, one of their favorite games to represent their community. While the starting quarterback was getting dressed in the trainer's room, Manny was standing in the hallway on her phone.

Manny was aimlessly scrolling through her phone when she suddenly was no longer looking at the screen but instead at a jersey number, number 13. She looked up to see blue eyes that she usually found comfort in, and if she was honest, she still did.

"Hey. What're you up to? Jacob smiled. "How are you?"

Manny flipped her hair over her shoulders and crossed her arms. "I'm fine. How are you?"

"Amped." Jacob smiled, handing her the phone back. He watched her take it while he grabbed her other hand, kissed her knuckles, than rubbed his thumb across her nails. "I love your nails. They're pretty?"

"Thank you." Manny smiled, feeling the heat rise to her cheeks. Her nails were a deep purple with her ring fingers a light sparkly purple. "Aren't you suppose to be listening to the pep talk?" She asked, clicking her tongue at the end of her sentence.

Jacob chuckled as his cleats clicked against the floor. "I'm here for the captain. Can't have a team pep talk with the team captain."

Manny nodded her head slowly as Jacob watched Clover slide past them and go to the home locker room. Jacob followed after her, but after giving Manny a wink.


Mid-second quarter, Jacob walked off the field taking his helmet off. He glanced at the score board and saw it was 21-0, Jaguars winning, an easy game so far. Jacob set his helmet down next to the kicker and glanced up. He felt numb when he saw his dad watching the game with his daughter, Jacob's half sister, Demi.

Jacob slowly walked over to the fence that divided the bleachers from the field and leaned on it. Jacob watched his dad Spencer walk down the bleacher stairs from the third row and over to him.

"Nice game, that was a great catch." Spencer smiled.
"I talked to your mom, you're not living at home anymore?"

Jacob shrugged as he looked back at the field with his hands still leaning at the top of the fence. "Yeah, I needed to get out of there."

Jacob's head shot back forward when he felt something on his hand. He looked up at Demi who was wiping the dirt off the back of his hand. Seeing him staring, Demi locked eyes with him and stares. Her big brown eyes look at him curiously while her plump rosy cheeks got dimples in them when she speaks.

"Hi." She whispered.

Jacob cracked a smile. "Hey. What's your name?"


"I'm Jacob. Apparently we're brother and sister." He smirked. "Is it okay if I hold you? Come down here with me?"

Demi reached her hands out to Jacob. Spencer handed her over to him and watched with pride as Jacob held Demi on his hip. Demi looked at Jacob with confusion at first than smiled widely.

"Hiya!" Demi squealed. "You play super good. Can you teach me?"

Jacob gave her a big white tooth smile and chuckled. "Yeah. How about tomorrow I come over and I teach you to play. Maybe you can be a champion like me."

Demi clapped her hands together than grabbed onto her dad when Jacob handed her back. He walked backwards towards the field when he heard Ricky calling for him to come back.

"I gotta go, but I'll see you later Demi." Jacob glanced up at his father. "We can talk later."


By half time the Jaguars were winning 47-0, the easiest game all season. Mateo kept telling them to kept their heads in the game, but it was hard when they knew they were going to win and continue their undefeated streak.

Diego was walking behind the rest of the team when he saw the cheerleaders standing on the sidelines getting ready to do their performance. He saw Mila giving him a nasty look, which he knew he deserved.

"Break a leg." He gave her a soft smile.

Mila rolled her eyes. "Break your neck again." She spat.

Diego chuckled nervously as he continued to follow the trailing behind players. He was about to keep walking when he stopped and turned back around to face Mila. "I said I was sorry."

"Hannah's down there." Mila nodded her head towards the younger brunette haired girl with Dutch braids going down her back. "Tell it to your new whore you wanna play around with."

Diego sighed and grabbed her elbow when she was about to go on the field to perform. He was about to speak when Mila shoved him and waltzed onto the field with a big smile.

Diego walked over to the sideline benches and sat down. He wasn't needed in the locker room, so there was no need for him to be in there. He listened to the announcer, who was also a math teacher for the school, talk over the loud speakers.

"These girls will be performing a sneak peak of their homecoming routine. Please give it up for your Dallas Jaguars cheerleaders!"

Diego clapped along to the performance with the rest of the crowd. Diego smiled when he saw Mila start out the cheer before leading the girls into their dance routine. Diego couldn't help but cheer seeing Mila dancing along with her teammates. The entire routine she was in the front smiling and looking into the crowd. The routine was in complete sync and fast pace with the most popular music of this year playing.

When the routine ended and Mila was waving to the crowd, he saw all the cheerleaders had some of the football players numbers written on their faces. Jessica had Stephen's, number 63. Macy had the kicker's, number 3. But Mila didn't have Diego's, she had Jose's, number 27.

Diego made eye contact with her and saw Mila subtly flip him off as she swung her hips walking off the field with her teammates following behind her in the same formation. Diego scoffed under his breath and crossed his arms as he waited for halftime to be over.


The fourth quarter ended with Clover jumping over one of the smallest defenders she'd ever seen and landing into the endzone, setting the final score at 72-0. Clover said good game with the game winning ball and went to the fence. She climbed it and handed it to her boyfriend before giving him a kiss.

When she finished getting her congratulations from him, Clover followed the rest of her teammates into the locker rooms to change. Ricky made sure all of the players made it inside before he looked at the girl waiting for him outside the athletic building.

Ricky smiled as he saw Alyssa in a black tank top, black maternity jeans, sandals, and a blue flannel tied under her poking five month pregnant belly.

"Hey!" Alyssa smiled. "Good game, coach."

Ricky smiled as he put his hand on her bump. "How is he?"

"Growing." Alyssa breathed. "He's growing in there. Getting bigger and bigger everyday. Before you know it, you'll have another baby in your house."

Ricky smirked as he kneeled down to her stomach and gave it a kiss. He ignored Alyssa putting her hand on the top of his head, he just focused on the baby growing inside her belly. His motivation and his only love.

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If you were looking for a good football game, this wasn't it. Lol. I wouldn't call this a filler, but it's not super important. I don't like to skip their football games, but it did give us some good things in here.

The upcoming chapters are MUCH better.
Love you all. Thank you so much for reading. Comment and vote.

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