"....make a white boy smile."

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Saturday morning, instead of sleeping in late like he wanted to, Diego was driving Mila to her cheerleading practice that she had. They had stayed the night together at Diego's house while his mom was out of town for work and his dad was out with friends.

Mila was fixing her ponytail as they pulled up to the gymnastics facility they used for practice. "Thank you so much for the ride."

Diego nodded and yawned as he parked the car. "Yeah, anytime." He mumbled. He kissed her when she leaned towards him. Diego watched Mila hop out the truck and carry her bag with her inside before he drove back home.

The second Mila walked inside and went into the room they practiced in, she saw Jessica tying her shoes as she sat in the middle of the padded floor. Mila dropped her bag down along the wall and started to change her shoes.

"Hey, you."

Mila looked over and instantly scoffed when she saw Macy walking up to her. Macy stood next to Mila with her arms crossed in front of her body.

"Coach Michelle told me to come see you about the new arrangement for the routine." Macy said with no emotion behind her voice.

"Okay." Mila muttered, tying her shoes. "You're in the back."

"What?!" Macy screeched. "You're kidding me! I have better facial expressions then half these bitches. Especially you're little goodie two shoes best friend with that fake ass smile she got."

Mila glared at Macy as she stood up straight after finishing tying her shoes. "First, Jessica is one of the best girls on this team. Including you. Second, I don't give a damn about you're ugly ass facial expressions. Third, apparently you're only flexible when you want to be because you can't do a basic toe touch but can do plenty of splits on Jacob's—"

"I dare you to finish that sentence." Macy threatened. "I dare you."

Mila glared at Macy again and was about to finish it when their coach stepped between them.

"Is there an issue here, girls?"

Mila raised her eyebrows as she looked Macy in the eyes. "Is there? Or are you going to stand in the back and look pretty?"

Macy rolled her eyes before walking away without replying back to the Cuban girl. Mila walked onto the padded floor and stood in her front position with Jessica just to her right getting ready to start their stretches and eventual practice.


A few hours later, Ricky was swinging his keys in his hand as he hummed a melody from a song that was stuck in his head. He was walking down the street shirtless with jeans and sneakers on. He looked over his shoulder and saw Jacob following behind him with his hands in his sweatpants pockets.

"You sure you're gonna be alright?" Ricky wondered.

Jacob nodded as they stopped at the corner where cars were speeding past on the street. Ricky was walking Jacob home since last night after the game, he never went home. He instead had Ricky text Jacob's mom that he would be staying with him. Jacob spent most of the time sitting by himself looking through photos of his family on his phone, but eventually slept on Ricky's floor last night with a blanket and pillow.

"You don't have to walk me the entire way." Jacob told him, walking across the street with Ricky right by his side.

Ricky shrugged as he kept swinging his keys around. "It's cool. I ain't got nothing to do anyway. I'll probably just go to the gym or something. Maybe I'll go buy some tacos. Call me if you need some help or need someone to talk to. Don't need you spiraling off the deep end over some family issues."

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