The Lighthouse

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The following morning, instead of being up and around the house doing activities like she usually would be right now, Manny was laying in her bed watching Clover finish getting ready for school.

"That's cute." Manny complimented, looking over her best friend's outfit.

Clover smiled as she looked back at Manny. She was dressed in a white off the shoulder long sleeved bodysuit, jeans with a rip across her left thigh, and black boot heels.

"Thank you." The quarterback smirked. "I like it too. It's quickly becoming my favorite outfit I have."

"When'd you get it?" Manny wondered, slowly sitting up since she was on her back and it's hardest to get up with the weight of her baby pushing down on her body.

Manny quickly felt bad when she saw Clover's face. She looked upset and devastated, but she forced a smile onto her lips.

"Dante bought it for me." She answered, wiping the lint off of her shirt. "I'm getting a ride from Diego. I'll see you at practice."

Manny watched Clover grab all her things she needed for school and started walking out the room. The Mexican girl got up and followed her African American friend through the house.

"You can't keep pretending he doesn't exist." Manny said, waddling to the front door where Clover was walking outside. "When's the last time you two talked?"

"Last night." Clover answered, standing on the front porch. "He called me. Wanted to know how I was doing and stuff. He has an activist rally today. Wanted to know if we wanted to come. I told him you were bed ridden and I promised to keep you company."

Manny gave Clover a half smile while leaning against the doorframe. "Well, maybe you should go visit him. Pretty sure practice will get canceled. There's suppose to be a thunder storm today. I'll go with you if you want. I need to get out the house anyway. All I do is sit around here and then sit around at the field. I permanently smell like sunscreen now."

Clover laughed at her friend when Manny made a cringing facial expression. "Alright. It's a deal. He'll probably be at his dad's restaurant after the rally. We can go there."

"What restaurant?" Manny wondered, seeing Diego's truck pull up to pick up Clover.

Clover lugged her bags onto her shoulders. "He owns The Lighthouse."

"I love that place." Manny smiled widely. "They got the greatest pasta and their lobster is great. Love it."

"Great." Clover giggled, walking off to the truck while the boys waved out the windows to Manny. "We'll go tonight."

Manny waved to the boys then went inside the house. She closed the door behind herself and went off to the bathroom to take a shower. She took a quick shower and went into her room to get dressed. By then she could hear her mom walking around and she was guessing her dad had left while she was in the shower.

Manny just wore a t-shirt dress, which was now a shirt with how big her belly was, and some leggings. She went out to the living room and sat down on the couch as she felt her feet and ankles aching.

"Morning, mija." Kiara greeted, making them breakfast in the kitchen.

"Morning, ma." Manny mumbled, grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch and throwing it over her legs. "I was thinking..." she trailed off, turning the tv on and glancing at her mom to see her giving her a look.

"About what?" Kiara wondered, taking the pan off the stove and putting the sausage on some plates.

Manny giggled at her mom's skeptical attitude and the side eye she gave her over the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room. "A baby shower. My little princess is gonna be here soon. I get a lot of Braxton Hicks and you had me at 37 or 38 weeks."

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