Being Woke

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That evening, after a quick dinner the team was leaving back to Dallas. After packing their bags and leaving to go downstairs before any of the others, Clover and Manny walked into the lobby and sat down on a couch together. Manny was on FaceTime with Bryce while Clover was just sitting down looking around. After about a minute, Clover motioned to Manny that she'd be right back.

Clover quickly walked across the lobby over to the coaches where Danny was standing along with Mateo, Sam, and Victor. She was lucky Ricky stayed back with the boys and was waiting on them.

"Can we talk real quick?" Clover asked, leaning against the front desk that they were standing at.

Danny looked down at Clover and nodded his head. He turned his body so he had his back to his co-workers and boss. He could hear the three men walk off when the boys came down to the lobby.

"They know about us." She said simply. "The boys know."

Danny's green eyes grew wide. "How?"

Clover shrugged as she watched Manny come over to them. "I don't know. But they're mad. Like...pissed. I don't know why though."

Manny put her phone in her purse and tossed her hair out of her face. "They're probably gonna plan on killing you." She mumbled. "But y'all are cute. You can tell y'all like each other so they'll get over it... eventually."

Clover rolled her eyes while Danny just chuckled. Manny on the other hand was looking across the lobby at four of their five friends.

Jacob threw his dufflebag onto his shoulder and felt his friends walk in front of him and stop across the lobby from Clover, Danny, and Manny.

"I told her..." Stephen growled, tightening his grip on his bag to the point that his knuckles turned white.

Ricky stood in front of his friends and glanced over his shoulder at them then back at his friends again. "Let it go for right now. Not here and not now. Not when I'm under evaluation to see if I can keep this job or not. And where's Jose?" He wondered, looking at Diego, Stephen, and Jacob.

Jacob chuckled as a smile spread across his face. "He'll be here soon." He answered.

Diego pushed Ricky to the side gently when they saw Danny tuck a piece of Clover's hair that had fallen out of her ponytail behind her ear. They looked like they were about to kiss, but Manny stopped them.

"Alright, Ricky we'll say you tried to stop us." Diego informed, dropping his bag and about to go over to them with Stephen when they heard laughing.

Their heads shot to the side where they saw Jose walking through the lobby. He was dressed in one of Manny's pink sundresses, girl's sunglasses, and his hair forced into piggytails.

The boys instantly stopped being angry and started laughing as Jose walked over to them. He glared at them as he took the $30 that Jacob held out to him.

"I told you I never back down from a dare." Jose sighed, pretending to flick his hair over his shoulder. "Y'all still stalking white boy and Charms?"

"No." Ricky stated, giving all of his friends a mean look. "You're not doing anything until I get my job back. I'm serious. After that, I'll pretend I don't know anything about this."

Stephen gave one last glare in Danny's direction as they were told to load the bus. "You got it, Ricky."


The following day, a Monday, most of the players who went on the trip didn't go to school the following day, but Mateo told them they had to attend practice after school.

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