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Monday morning, Ethan was doing his usual routine of walking with Jose to their lockers than meeting up with their friends. Ethan sighed as he locked his locker close and turned towards Jose.

"So two sketchy people were standing outside your facility for three hours?" Jose wondered. "What happened after that? Y'all see what happened?"

"Zane did, I went to sleep." Ethan snorted, smirking as they walked off to the hallway where they all met up at. "Craig told me what happened this morning while I was taking a shower. He was taking a piss. Apparently he owes these two guys some money and they were looking for him. Knew he was inside, locked up. Says that he has to ask his old drug buddies for the money so he doesn't get his ass kicked when he gets out."

"How much he owe him?" Jose wondered, stopping when he saw Christin walking their way.

Ethan smiled at Christin when spotting them. "$5,000 cash." He said quickly before greeted Christin with a kiss. "Hey, how you been?"

Jose stood there in complete shock while Christin talked with Ethan. The Spanish boy acted like nothing was wrong and talked to her for a minute or two before saying that he and Jose had to go somewhere together. Christin kissed Ethan one last time and left while Ethan turned back to Jose.

"He owes them $5,000 and if they don't get it..." Ethan hissed while raising his eyebrows. "Plus he's off those steroids so I don't think he's that strong anymore."

Jose shook his head listening to Ethan say this with ease like it was something that happened everyday, but most people in the facility did owe a lot of people money for their old habits. Jose was just proud that Ethan didn't owe anyone anything from him getting clean.


After school, Manny finished putting files into the filing cabinet in Victor's office when she walked outside. She made her way to the field, but stopped when she saw Ricky standing just off the sidelines glaring.

Manny walked up along side him and stood on her toes so she could be closer to his height to see what he was looking at. Ricky felt rage building up in his body as he saw Danny pulling Clover's hair up onto the top of her head. He used his fingers to comb her hair up into his hand before using the hair tie she gave him to put her hair into a ponytail.

Clover put her mouth guard in her mouth than touched the ponytail. "It's to high. My helmet won't fit." She said, her voice muffled from the mouth guard.

Danny sighed and pulled it out. Ricky felt a familiar feeling of his hands balling up and his feet wanting to rocket towards Danny when his fingertips caressed her cheeks when he gathered up her hair making Clover flinch from the tickling feeling.

"Jealous much?" Manny scoffed, putting her hand over his balled up fist. "Don't wreck your job and your probation over a guy who doesn't matter."

Ricky listened to Manny's words and let her unball his fists while his hazel green eyes darkened, staring at Danny helping Clover tie her cleats while she put on her gloves and padding.

"Hey!" Manny yelled, snapping Ricky out of his trance. "Wanna go on a walk with me? Walk the parking lot? Let you calm down."

Ricky glanced at her before looking back at Clover when she laughed at whatever Danny said to her. Ricky knew deep down, Danny was only trying to cheer her up from the week she's been having. But it didn't help when he saw Danny tightening her padding and put her helmet on her while she was in a fit of laughs at what he was saying to her.

"No, I'm fine." Ricky sighed, grabbing his notepad and walking away to sit in the bleachers. Manny just shrugged and went over to Danny herself.

"Hey, Danny. You busy?" She wondered.

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