A New Low

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Monday morning, instead of laying in bed for a few hours like she usually would, Manny got up and took a quick shower. When she got out, she put on a short sleeved shirt Clover always wore when she worked out and a pair of maternity sweatpants.

Manny waddled off into the living room where she instantly broke into a huge smile seeing Bryce sleeping on the couch. He had stayed the night last night when she was having really bad contractions then decided to stay in case she went into early labor.

Manny walked around the couch and shook him awake. His light brown eyes opened and scanned the room before landing on her face. His jet black hair was sticking up in every direction and his shirt and shoes were on the floor.

"Morning." He groaned out, stretching then sitting up so she could sit by his feet.

Manny mumbled a good morning then sat down by his feet. She put his blanket over her lap and sat with him on the couch. He picked up the tv remote and turned the tv on to check the weather for when he had to go to work.

"I wanna run something pass you." Manny said, rubbing her belly to make herself feel better.

Bryce looked over at her and saw how nervous she was. "What's up?" He frowned, scooting closer to her. "What happened?"

Manny shook her head. "Nothing. It's just...do you ever think we should get a custody agreement for Esmerelda? So in case...you know."

Bryce frowned as he listened. "You mean like 50/50 right?"

Manny nodded quickly. "Yeah. Shared custody. Just so it's written in case one day we can't agree on it."

"Oh." He frowned then looked back at the tv. "Yeah. Sure. My mom's been asking me about it anyway. I can finally give her a good answer rather than changing the subject." Bryce smirked. "Yeah, I don't mind. It's all good. Nothing to be worried about."

Manny smiled softly then felt a single tear run down her cheek. She jumped slightly when she felt Bryce wipe the tear away. He was use to her quick mood swings of crying one moment then being mad another and being on the verge of ripping her hair out nervous the next.

Bryce wrapped his arm around her and pulled her into his side as he changed the channel to an old cartoon they both liked.


A few hours later up at Grand Ridge High School in the middle of the day, Ethan was ranting to Clover about the search that the facility had last night since it had gone around that someone snuck in alcohol.

"I don't even drink like that." He complained, leaning on Clover's shoulder as they walked into gym class. "Kept us up all night. I feel like I'm running off of two minutes of sleep. They checked everyone's rooms and went through all of our stuff. Had to stand outside our rooms and get padded down. Damn near strip searched."

Clover shook her head listening to him talk. "Sounds horrible cause I literally hate when people wake me up. I'll throw a whole fit."

Ethan laughed. "I know. I've had to wake you up before. Thought I was gonna get my throat ripped out by how mad you were."

Clover just smirked as they heard someone calling Ethan's name. They turned around and saw one of the gym teachers standing in the hallway outside the gym motioning for Ethan to come over.

Ethan walked off to him while Clover went into the next hallway to go to get changed in the girls' locker room. As she walked, she thought about just skipping gym class and going out the backdoor that was at the end of the hall and going to the athletic building to work out.

Clover's thoughts were ripped away when she looked up and saw a group of figures standing at the end of the hallway by the back doors. She stopped in her tracks seeing the six star Viper boys without their quarterback. When they spotted her, they instantly swarmed around her and pulled her to the end of the hallway.

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