Chapter 5

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"Attend to your own fate, Mare Barrow. And that is? To rise. And rise alone."



As I come to, I feel nothing. Hollowness, lacking even an inkling of emotion plagues me as I heave myself upward. Not sadness, nor anger courses through my bones, only infinite emptiness occupying my thoughts. The sole reminder that I once was capable of such ideas is the moistness sprawling across my cheeks. The residual sparks that jet off my body don't do much to fight off the darkness, though the clouds have begun to flee. 

Too many pairs of footsteps snap twigs to count, plus exhaustion pushes me to zone them all out. Gradually, the sounds fade away, all except one who risks coming closer. I only notice now, that I have my head buried deep in the crook of my chest and knees; yet, I sense a presence hovering right beside me. 

"Mare? Please look at me," says a voice I recognize as Tyton's. His hand brushes down my arm, so light it could be a feather if not for his plea.

"But they're all watching me," I respond with a low tone, quiet enough for only the two of us to hear. If I had my way, I'd prefer curling in on myself, until not a soul could see me.

"Please look at me," Tyton repeats, a sort desperation in his tone, one that nearly induces me to comply. "I only wish to help." His hand finds my chin, evermore gentle in attempting to push my head up. Decidedly spent, I give up fighting this battle and allow my eyes to meet his. 

Perhaps it's the backdrop of scenery, with the dainty evening light peaking through my storm, forming a sort of angelic view. A fraction of the sun shines, bearing down upon us, siring a gorgeous panorama. For the first time, I allow myself to see Tyton for what he is-handsome, in his own rugged sense. Surprisingly, the silverish sheened hair suits him, complimenting the hazel eyes that entrance me; a combination of green and golden tan. My breath hitches, undoubtedly.

"Your back. It's bleeding and we need to get you to a healer." 

I part my lips, intending to explain to him, that I don't feel the blood leaking, that's it's fine. It's not as if an empty girl has the devoir to retain blood. But instead, I hear, "Not until the girl answers my questions." I tear my eyes away from Tyton to discover Volo positioned ten feet in front of me, standing apart from the remainder of his silver entourage. "What the hell did you do?" Just the man's presence, so regal and dreadful, begets me to well-nigh turn away and fulfill my wish to curl in on myself. 

"Clearly Miss Barrow is not in a well enough state to answer for herself; surely she is confused as to what exactly has ensued," Julain pipes in, a blessing in human form. "Any concerns may be resolved by myself." 

"Because you understand her ability better than herself?" 

"I shouldn't assume, but it is possible. These last weeks have consisted of very little variety in my studies. But I will never wield lightning and I will never know what it is like to have pure energy just under my skin." At this, I take a glance at my arm and that glance mutates into a much longer ogle. Previously I had been in far too much pain to appreciate the chaotic artfulness of it all. Akin to splintered glass, electricity winds across my arms, following the patterns of veins. As far as I can see, nowhere does the force not go, the color streaking from my ankles to my fingertips. Imaginably, my face takes on the same effect, appearing as a cracked porcelain doll. The oddest part, however, is that lightning isn't on top of my skin, rather underneath, just below the surface. Burning brightly enough to see it, despite it's covering. 

My hands have begun shaking on there own accord, out of phobia of my own ability. Across from me, Tyton takes my hands in his, the sparks soaring having no negative outcome on his health. He starts to lace them together, trying to create a calming mechanism, though we both perceive the futileness of any diversion. "Make it stop," I murmur the order hushedly. Realizing my mistake, I speak up. "How do I make it stop?" This shot, I shriek the command extremely loud. Get the silencers if you have to, I nearly let out, still common sense holds me back. Never again do I yearn to face that crushing silence.

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