Chapter 23

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Yes, this chapter is a bit odd, but I find it beautiful nonetheless. This year, I visited the beautiful city of San Antonio and its Riverwalk. Safe to say I love it there. The culture and sheer artistry of the architecture built around the river continue to inspire my writing, and I thought it a good idea to pay a tribute to the city of San Antonio. For all those out there who are shipping Tyton and Mare, this is for you. Enjoy my passion.



"Almost," Tyton tells me for the tenth time.

I cringe as pain and sting branch out from the tip of my finger to my knuckle. It lasts a couple of seconds before deteriorating, but the knowledge that this is going to happen as I edge my fingertip to the dinner candle is so much worse.

"My finger is losing its ability to feel, Tyton," I complain, leaning my chest on the wrought-iron table.

"You're sure that you didn't feel the slightest burn as you walked through that fire at the airbase."

I sigh, though I have no excuse to be annoyed. Tyton is nothing but helpful and patient in my quest to become flame retardant; unbreakable against any Burner that crosses my path. Then, I glare at the fruit scented candle that he placed in the middle of our table, its flame dancing on the wick mischievously.

"I felt like my body had caught on fire, but not literally. It didn't hurt, just felt..." I start strong, but my words slowly die out, unsure of where I am specifically headed.

Tyton's eyes glisten with interest, hazel brightened up by the sun watching overhead. It has been raining on and off in sporadic sunshowers all afternoon, but the sun never fails to flaunt itself. It feels nice, more than nice to be gone from courts and palace intrigue, where I forever find myself in the middle of it all. I hate those hallways that I constantly am running down, fleeing from one burden or another.

"Electrifying?" He suggests, a kind smirk making itself known on his face.

I chuckle, nodding my head before I sip at the caffeinated beverage a server brought out to me. "So cliché, yet absolutely true." I remove my hand from its position grasping my bendable straw to balance it on the candle's glass rim, dangerously close to a painful temperature. It shouldn't soothe me, the nearly scorching flame just centimeters away. But I find an odd, unhealthy liking to it.

My stare must be giving my thoughts away because Tyton himself sighs. "Try again," he orders, tilting his head slightly as if the change will give a better vantage point.

Subtly, I glance towards the door that enters into the inside of the restaurant, and my action doesn't cause a server to emerge. We didn't order long ago-I don't know what I'll be consuming, as I wasn't paying attention when Tyton requested the food- but my stomach has rumbled for hours, even in training. "I've burned for minutes and no avail. My fingers are turning black," I snap, showing him my middle finger. "Davidson would've found a candle, or bonfire if you were that desperate to help me with this. Why are we here?"

Around us and our table is the most beautiful sight I've seen in my entire life, unsullied by war and struggle. A river, five meters or so across, runs through my line of sight to the left, a murky green. I should find the shade somewhat offputting, hundreds of years of pollution running through it, but I do not. Its state shows that it is untouched by Nymphs and Telkies, or the public, except for the occasional drunk who falls into the stream. They should really fence the river, though, maybe they don't for a reason. To preserve another element of this natural phenomenon.

Stone bridges span the river at regular intervals, some overwhelmed with vines and leaves. The afternoon has come and gone, evening into full swing. Plenty of the restaurants and shops have turned on their outdoor lighting, ranging from basic yellow to roaring red. Off in the distance, a small boat full of passengers lolly gags towards our outdoor sitting area, illuminated wood with lights embedded into the sides.

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