Chapter 21

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I'd like to sincerely apologize for the prolonged update of WAR STORM. I've been on a vacation for the past week, and have also been working on my new fanfiction and RQ AU, Calore Dance Academy. I will continue to update both of my books as regularly as possible. But as we all painfully know, school is on the horizon, and of course, my updates are less frequent in the school year. But anyways, enjoy Chapter 21!



"Queen Iris," Volo purrs with a melodic voice in the cramped throne room. The usual courtiers and sentries are present, but unlike most days, the session is open to everybody, including my family and the rest of the Scarlet Guard. Gisa, who has admitted she blames herself for getting captured, clings to my shoulder, and Tyton stands to my left. I spent as much time as possible convincing her otherwise before we were summoned here.

Iris tilts her head, a ghost of a smile gracing her brown complexion. "It's a pleasure to meet you," she says. Clever, to not use an address with the King. A "Your Majesty" would boost his ego, while a plain "Volo" would have him sharpening knives. "From first glance, you seem much more pleasant than previous kings I've encountered. Thank you for granting me sanctuary here."

"Of course, Your Highness. Now tell us, if you please, how Maven scorned you into leaving Archeon." The King of Iron has never been an advocate of small chatter.

Sentinel Nornus has been glued to Iris's side since she stepped out of the car, and continues to stand beside her now. I wonder if their proximity is per the request of Iris or the guard, or maybe a silent exchange of the both. Either way, I don't blame her for allowing him so close, while she's surrounded by a hundred strangers.

"It can bluntly be said that Maven and I didn't see eye to eye on certain issues. We've been wed for months, yet he hid from me as often as possible. Of course, he was forced to engage with me for political meetings and such, but our contact hardly extended past that. To learn the things that I did took a great lot of effort, gossiping, prying."

"What did you learn?" Tiberias straightens in his chair off to the side of Volo's throne. He wears a crown, red and gold, plain and simple, but a crown nonetheless. Who got it for him? "My brother wouldn't destroy a priceless alliance for no reason."

Iris paces back and forth, perhaps pondering exactly why he did threaten her. For the number of hours we spent in the backseat of that transport together, she didn't tell what drove her out of there. "I learned things that I shouldn't have. Additionally, he hates me for what I represent. A replacement. For what could've been."

Though Iris doesn't bat an eyelash in my direction, a couple nosy women glare at me. What was it that he said? Any window we had, however small, is gone. I say nothing, only because I have nothing to say to these people.

Cal saves me. "What did you learn?"

"The truth," Iris nods at him. To Tiberias's side, Evangeline scowls, but not at Iris. At me, for not making the Lakelander's insinuations more damaging. I return her glare and she smiles wickedly. Out of everybody here, Evangeline saw me the most during those months. Knows my signature cries. "How Maven and Elara Merandus murdered your father and pinned you and Mare Barrow as the culprits. You must feel so cheated, to have your birthright stolen."

"I do," he agrees but keeps his head pointed fixed on Iris. Away from me. "So what? He discovered that you knew? Or did you tell him?"

To hear him say it, implying he's jealous of Maven, feels cheated of his so-called birthright... merely another scar . If Tiberias was born to rule, what was I intended to do, in another life, in one of Jon's alternative visions? To die for him and the rest of the Silvers. Death for a kingdom that doesn't give a crap for me.

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