Chapter 22

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I almost roll my eyes as Volo starts down the steps onto the tarmac, taking his sweet time.

I gave that man the Lakeland's allegiance, and I filmed that beyond-stupid video for him and that Lerolan woman for their use. Yet he dares to force my hand and allow him and his entire court to come into my home, uninvited.

At least the Scarlet Guard left. Mare and her heaping family are nowhere to be seen, and Tyton and General Farley are also missing, along with plenty of other members with names I can't remember. The rebels originated in this country, and my sister has no interest in forming a bound with the supposed rats my father couldn't contain.

And luckily for the parties here, Salin Iral decided to remain at the Rift along with those who simply didn't wish to come and those physically unable to travel. He was smart enough to hide from me when I initially entered the Samos manor, up until I left. If he had shown himself, unlike the coward he has proven himself to be, I'm not sure what I would've done. Orrec Cygnet traded me off to end a war, without bothering to consult me. But he was my father, and here in the Lakelands, family is everything.

The airbase we've landed at is not far away from our capital, and I know that my sister is only minutes separated from me. It doesn't matter now, but I still wonder if any of the letter copies I wrote to Rosalyn are on track to make it. I doubt they'd have already reached her, as it's been less than four days since I've sent them. Maven's spies probably got to them, anyway.

"Are you nervous?" Bart queries into my ear, standing close by. If the circumstances were different, I'd feel put off by his close distance, and in Norta, guards aren't allowed to be so casual.

I shake my head, forcing my fists to unclench and I carefully lace them together instead. Mother would be proud. "No. Never of my sister or country. The King of the Rift is getting on my nerves. He will not succeed in getting new troops here," I say confidently. In many ways, Rosalyn and I are the same. Neither of us enjoys listening to overpowered kings.

Next, after Volo and his family, exit Cal and his grandmother. Though I don't know either of the boys the way that Mare has been exposed to, Cal- I've begun to use his nickname- is less harsh in all aspects. From first glance, he seems like he'll be a kind and fair king.

The problem is that in our kingdoms those traits hinder rulers. He'll have to toughen up quickly, learn that disappointment is a given in sovereignty.

From what I've been told, a number of people have already tried to talk him out of it. There's no use in worrying for the prosperity of Norta. The present king has already done the job on screwing that up.

"The view is stunning is it not?" I ask Nornus, attempting to launder my head. Rosalyn will be here soon. Just a couple minutes, and then I can hug her and talk her ear off for an entire car ride. "I've missed the scenery here. Archeon was too industrial; not to say it wasn't beautiful, but the things that made the city beautiful were not natural." Here, the buildings stick low to the ground, and greenery sprouts up every two feet.

For a moment, Bart says nothing, gazing over the cliff that overlooks my precious city. Maybe I've offended him. Norta is his home, and his entire family lives there. The Gods know how Maven will punish his entire family for his desertion. But he must've weighed that, and thought it safe enough to betray the crown.

"I suppose it is," he responds at last. "You've built your airbase in a nice place. I'm surprised your country found such a perfect plateau to place it on. It overlooks the city well."

Lake Eris is the star attraction of Detraon, and it glimmers with the sun high overhead. Even from so far away, I can feel the sloshes and pulls as children play at the edges of the water. A smile tugs at my lips. I'll have to go swimming later. Let diplomacy fly to the wind.

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