Epilogue 1

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Elane, Ptolemus, and I walk like ghosts in the somber, depressed palace. 

Nobody can see us, and that is for the better. I wear a veil of shame, angered with myself for so many different reasons. 

No, I wasn't ever especially close with Cal, despite all the time I spent smiling at his side, forced into an existence of my father's desires. I was never close with Tyton either, and from the little talk that goes on in the palace, I've only heard that Cal killed him with a stray gun just before the Burner himself passed. Another forgotten name in another pointless war, is what Tyton is.

But this battle was not between Lakelanders and Reds. It was between two stupid, jealous, lovesick boys that wanted more than anything to be with their supposed true love. I'd scoff at the term if Elane wasn't by my side, clutching my hand as if I'd float away otherwise. 

We came back for Cal, in the tunnels, only to find the hidden bunker abandoned, the chain that bound Mare Barrow to the wall gone. At first, I had merely thought that the two of them had caved to their less-than-controlled desires, as they surely did that night before Cal's wedding. Yet upon further examination, we found that... they were not in the bunker at all. Nor in the nearby tunnels. I believe that's when the horrible, undeniable pit opened up in my stomach. 

I have done horrible, undeniable things in my life. Killed for the sake of killing on the battlefield, barring my iron-tipped teeth in victory. I kept my mouth shut when I discovered the treacherous plot of the Reds, betraying my own people. The Silvers. I've done things to destroy the relationships of others. And that might be the first true, sincere regret I have. 

I did it out of selfishness, out of a bitter jealously for Cal's ability to chose.  Though I wasn't wrong when I predicted that Tyton was only something to distract Mare, I still...

Elane huffs beside me, her eyes trailing Dane Davidson, who walks briskly beside two of his Red generals. No, he doesn't trust the Lakelanders one bit, his alliance with the country taking place not two hours ago. Since we've come back here, not knowing where to go or what to do, we've watched. Just watched. 

We were supposed to come back for Cal. But we didn't find him, had no idea what the hell happened until the vicious lightning started. That electricity was not of a warrior; it was of a cheated lover. 

I didn't' see her until after the lightning stopped, on the bridge when nobody fought. I would've stayed in the palace and looked for her... but with Elane and Ptolemus, I didn't risk it, not knowing what she would do if Elane let down our shadows-accident or not. So we waited, until the lightning and fighting stopped, tucked away in a corner of a palace. 

Coward, I whisper to myself. For not facing what I've created or done. 

"Evangeline," Ptolemus says my name quietly. "If we're going to leave, we should leave."

"I know," I state, closing my eyes for a long while. "We will. There's nothing here for any of us. I don't know where we'll go... but we'll leave for someplace better. Mother and Father are dead, and there are no other obligations to keep. But first..." the words aren't said, but I think they know them. 

If I don't talk to her now, then I never will, and the little lightning girl's fiery rage will cool to a low, wild, poisonous spite. 

"Go to the edge of town, by the old Samos manor. I'll meet you there by noon. If I'm not there... then leave anyway." The other words are left unsaid, again. They know that I love them. 

And though in my best hopes, I'll be able to control her and settle her down, there is always a chance of her rage overtaking her, if the lightning is any evidence. 

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