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The Past.

I wake up feeling like crap.

 What happened last night? I look around and this is not my room.

 A- a hotel room?! I look under the sheets and I am only wearing a bra and undies.

 "Yoongi-ah!" I call out for my boyfriend.

 Maybe he brought me here.

 I mean we were together at the party.

 But I am here alone.

 I pick up my phone and i see i have so many missed calls from My best friend Jungkook.

 I call him back.

Kookie:" Min Jee-ah! what is going on?!

Startled by his tone of voice I say...

Min Jee: Kookie what is going on?!  You are scaring me. Plus don't scream my head!!!

Kookie:  There-there is some pictures of you going around...

Min Jee: Picture? what kind?

Kookie: Where did you go last night?

Min Jee:I don't know. All I remember is Ji soo giving me a drink and I just woke up in a hotel room. I don't know. Now tell me! What pictures.

Kookie:... I'll text them to you...

I get his text and it is a picture of me in bed asleep with some guy I have never met. What the fuck!!

Min Jee: Kookie-ah! what is this?! I swear I didn't do anything! You know I love Yoongi! I would never! This is not! No No No!!!!

Kookie: Calm down! I'll come to get you. Try to call Yoongi and explain. I'll be right there!

After I hang up I tried calling Yoongi and texting him but he won't answer or text back.

 I am starting to freak out.

 I let the tears fall.

 He must really hate me.

Kookie picks me up and takes me home.

For days I try to get a hold of him but nothing.

I even tried going to his house.

Even went as far as calling his friends but they all ignore my calls and texts.

Finally, in school, I run to him "Yoongi!!" I say but he pushes me away.

 " You are disgusting, A fucking whore is what you are. Don't ever talk to me again" I just stand there in shock.

 Feeling like my heart shatters into a million pieces.

"Yoongi please let me explain" I beg.

"And why should I believe a whore like you," he says before walking away.

All his friends glare my way and follow him.

Everyone in school has seen those pictures and  Thinks I am a slut.

 There are so many rumors about me going around.

 Min Yoongi hates me, he makes sure I know how much he hates me.

 He makes out with other girls, calls me a slut and a whore. It hurts.

 So fucking much.

 The only good thing about this is my best friend Kookie.

 He is always defending me and hugs me when I cry.

**FAST FORWARD 2weeks.**

Today is graduation day. I'm glad I made it.

I survived.


  I Hug my best friend And tell him I will miss him.

 I walk to the classroom to get my things.

Min Yoongi left a note on my desk.

"Do us all a favor and kill yourself bitch"

My heart shattered all over again.

I can't wait to leave this place. I want to leave all this pain behind. I will leave for America in 2 days.

Little did i know that the start of my new life would include diapers and butt cream. I was pregnant.

2 months later.

Back in Korea. 

I make my way to meet the person I've been looking for.

 The guy in the picture that destroyed me.

 Walking into a cafe I  immediately recognize him.

I sit in front of him.

 He looks and me acting all cocky and says "Why did you want to see me?" 

"You know me right?" I ask.

 He just smiles and says. "Yeah, sure"

"Did we have sex?" I ask cutting to the chase.

 He smiles and says "What if we did?"

"I am pregnant, I was unconscious when it happened so I could sue you for rape," I say with a blank look on my face.

"You are...What?!. I didn't. We didn't. T-T-That baby is not mine" He says obviously flustered.

"Then what happened?" I say.

"I got a text from a friend. She said her friend needed some help with you. I just went to the hotel room and took those pictures and left. I swear."

Who could be such a bitch to do this to me. I start crying. Blame it on my hormones. I cry at the drop of a hat.

"Hey I'm so sorry, I swear they just paid me to lay next to you that's it," he says giving me a tissue.

"D-do you h-have the texts or name of the people who did t-this?" I ask in between sobs.

"Yes, I do," He says.

"Please mail them to me, i- i need to go"

"Yes, I'll mail them to you... W-Will you be okay?"

"I don't know," I say and I walk out of the cafe. 

Touching my belly I think about Yoongi.

Should I tell him that I am carrying his baby?

Probably not, He didn't believe me when I said I didn't cheat on him.

 I'm sure he won't believe me now.

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