Chapter 2:

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I am woken up by a delicious smell.

 Still half asleep I follow the smell. 

Only to find Jin Oppa in my kitchen making breakfast.  

"Good Morning my Angel," He says in a way too cheerful tone.

 "Ugh, Oppa it is too early to be this cheerful...Unless you got something last night" I say wiggling my eyebrows.  

His cheeks turn red "YAH!" is all he says and I just laugh. 

"Oppa you are not denying it!!! It must have been really good" I say giving him a wink.

 Jin Oppa just smiles.

 He really likes this guy.

 And I couldn't be happier for him.

Alex wakes up and we all eat breakfast.

 After we do the dishes we decide to meet up in 3 hours to go on our adventure.

 As Jin said he came to get us and we explored everything or a small percentage of what Seoul had to offer.

 We went to Hongdae and Myongdong.

 We shop and eat lots of yummy food.

 It was awesome.

 Alex was getting tired so we decided to go home.

 On the ride home, Alex fell asleep.

 "WAH! He had way too much fun" says Jin Oppa.

 Looking at Alex from his reviewer mirror.

 "Yeah, We all did! Plus Oppa you bought some cute things" I say smiling.

 "Yeah I know, But so did you. That skirt was really cute" he complimented.

"I know Oppa I can't wait to wear it," I say excitedly.

Once we get to our building Alex wakes up full of energy.

 Uh-oh. Looking at my little energizer bunny I say to Jin Oppa "I think I am going to take him to the park for a bit"

"Yeah he looks re-charged," says Oppa laughing.

"Let's go to the park!" he says to Alex.

 "Yaaay! Samchun can we go play?!" Alex yells.

"Of Course, Let's go play and make friends," He says. And we cross the street to the park.

Watching Alex make friends is the cutest thing ever.

 His Korean is really good but he has never had any Korean friends.

 And to see him being so social is the cutest thing ever.

 I turn to Jin Oppa who is texting someone. Maybe his boyfriend.

 "Oppa I am going to go to the store to get some juice for Alex and his friends. I'll be right back. Do you want anything?"

 Looking up from his phone he says. "There is a coffee shop two blocks from here. They have the best drinks ever and sweets get some cookies and a coffee for me?"

 I smile at him and say "Okey Oppa, Keep an eye on Alex. I'll be back"

Stopping by the convenience store I buy juice for the kid's chips and some fruit.

 I cross the street to the coffee shop and go in.

 It's a really cute place but crap I didn't bring my glasses.

I walk to the counter and I'm greeted by the cashier.

"Hello, I am sorry I need a minute, I can't see without my glasses" she laughs and gives me a minute. 

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