Chapter 9:

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Taehyung's POV

I am feeling super nervous.

 But I am just going to do it. 

Walking to Jungkook's desk I stop in front of him.  

"Hey, Jungkook!" He looks up from the computer screen and blushes.

God damn it, he is so cute!

I just want to lick him. 

Maybe I will later.  

"Ah- Um- Hello Mr.Kim, What can I do for you?" He says.

 Glad you asked babe.  

"Please call me by my name. And Well...I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me tonight?" I say giving him one of my cute smiles.

His cheeks turn a bright red.

 Looking at his hands he says.

 "Umm, Tonight?... Umm..I-I would like that a lot"  


"Great I'll come to get you at 8" 

At that moment I hear someone scream.

 "UNCLE KOOKIE-AH!!!" I turn to see a really cute boy dragging a big bag.

 Jungkook gets up and runs to the boy picking him up in his arms.

 They both laugh hug and kiss. "Alex! What are you doing here?" 

The boy squirms in Jungkook's arm wanting the be put down. 

Jungkook puts him down and the boy answers.  

"I am taking Mama on a date," He says looking proud.  

Wait did he say, Mama? And he knows Jungkook.

 Looking closely at the boy he is Yoongi hyung's son!

From the picture duh!

Whaa! he is so cute! 

He is the perfect mix of Yoongi Hyung and Min Jee.

I step closer to Jungkook and the boy and I wave.

"Hello!" The boy looks at me and bows.

 "Hello My name is Alex I am 6 years old,"  The little boy says proudly.

He is so respectful. 

"You are 7 here in Korea. When you are born you are already a year old. So here you are 7."  Jungkook corrects him.

Alex's eyes go wide.

 "Really?! I am older here? Yaaayy!! I love Korea"He cheers jumping up and down.

 Causing Jungkook and I to laugh.

I grab my phone and get on the group chat 

Company Dorks

Tae: Yoongi hyung!!! Your son is in the company!!!

Namjoon: Seriously! I want to see him.

Hobi: I want to see him too!!! 

Tae: He is the perfect mix of Hyung and Noona

Jimin: Where is he?

Yoongi: where are you? where is he?

Tae: He is in Noona's office.

Tae: BTW where is she? She's not here.

 I put my phone away and walk to Jungkook and Alex. 

"Why don't we wait inside Noona's office, She should be here soon," Jungkook says.

Inside Noona's office, you hear noises that sound like a stampede.

 I look up to see a panting Jimin and Hobi. 

I swear these hyungs.

We all sit around him and talk to him about things he likes. 

His Korean is really good.

Namjoon Hyung joins us and sits down.  

He and Alex introduce themselves.

 "You are Uncle Jin's Boyfriend!" Says Alex pointing his finger at Namjoon.

 "Ah-umm--How do you...?" Alex covers his mouth and starts laughing.

 "I saw your picture on Uncle Jin's Phone. You were kissing" And Alex busts out laughing. 

We all join him while Namjoon doesn't know what to do with himself. 

At that Moment Yoongi walks in and he just stares, Hyung don't be a creep.

Yoongi clears his throat and smiles at Alex "Hello, My name is Min Yoongi. It's nice to meet you" 

Alex gets up and bows "Hello, My name is Alex and I am 6yea...No I am 7 years old because in Korea I am a year older," He says.

 And Hyung laughs.

 "Oh wow! You are a big boy" and ruffles Alex's hair.

  We all sit around and try to get to know Alex as much as we can.

 He is really smart and loves video games.

And I swear this is the first time I have seen so much of Yoongi Hyung's teeth.

 I am glad to see him this happy.

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