Chapter 17:

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Yoongi's POV

I wake up and I feel arms around me.

I look down to find Min Jee and Alex pretty much on top of me.

I Just stay there looking at them and enjoy the moment.

That is until Alex wakes up.  

He lifts his head and smiles at me.

 I smile back and say "Good morning"

He snuggles up to Min Jee and shyly says "Good morning"

He is so cute. 

"Wanna help me make breakfast?" 

He nods and we carefully leave the bed trying not to wake Min Jee up.

  Once in the kitchen I look around and then look at him. 

"What do you want to eat?" I ask. 

I don't know what his preferences are.

I need to learn all his likes and dislikes.

"Mmmm...Pancakes! with chocolate chips!" he says excitedly. 

Well damn! I haven't made those in so long.

"Does your mom have the ingredients?" 

He nods. 

Gets a little stool and opens a cupboard showing the pancake batter and chocolate chips.

"Nice! now... do you know where the pans are and spatula?" I ask as I look around.

He gets the pan and the spatula and oil.

 " You know where everything is" I say impressed.

"I like cooking with Mama" he says. 

We get to work. 

As we begin to cook Alex speaks up and asks.

 "Mr.Min why were you and mommy sleeping on the same bed?" 

I am a bit stump and shocked.

"Well...umm...I was sick and your mom made sure to take care of me and made me feel better and she got so tired that she ended falling asleep."

 I explain, Hoping that was a good enough answer and he won't ask more questions.

He just nods "Okay" he says content with my answer.

Getting back to work.

We make pancakes,bacon,orange juice and eggs. we are setting the table when I notice Min Jee is leaning against the wall watching us with a sad smile on her face.

Min Jee's POV

Waking up I find myself in my bed. My empty bed.

Damn I ended falling asleep here with Yoongi.

I hear laughter so I get up and walk to the kitchen.

The closer I get to the kitchen the more I am welcomed with a delicious aroma.

 Being extra quiet I watch as Yoongi and Alex make breakfast.

Yoongi is laughing because Alex keep stealing pieces of the pancake.

 I can't help but feel sad.

They could have had this relationship.

So many regrets.

They are setting the table when Yoongi notices me standing there.

He smiles at me. 

"Good Morning, Breakfast is ready" He says. 

"Mama!!! we made pancakes!" says Alex as her runs to me gives me a hug and drags me to the table.

We all sit and eat, talk and somehow we make plans to go to Bukchon Hanok Village.

We get ready and head out.

 We take my car.

We enjoy everything the village has to offer.

 We eat delicious food and take lots of Photos.

They day is filled with smiles and laughter.

At one point an Ajumma commented that we were a beautiful family. 

I was going to say that we are not but Yoongi beat me to it and said "Ah.. Thank you!" and walked away with a smile.

His actions make uneasy. 

Should I tell him?

Will telling him change anything?

Even if I do in 3 months I will go back home,Back to our lives.

By the time we get home is already dark and Alex is super tired.

Yoongi walks us to the apartment and Alex asks him to help him get ready for bed.

Once Alex is all set I go into his room and give him a hug and a goodnight kiss.

Yoongi does the same but Alex doesn't want him to leave.

 "Please stay with me until I fall asleep " says Alex. 

"Okay, I'll stay" says yoongi. 

They both get comfortable on the bed.

I turn off the lights and close the door. I walk to my home office feeling a bit uneasy again. 

They are getting along so well....

I am so confused as to how things turned out this way.

I check my emails. 

I am about to check on Yoongi and Alex when I notice Yoongi leaning against the door frame . 

"Is he asleep?" I ask.

He nods.

"oh okay" I say. 

I don't know why I feel so awkward when it's just the two of us. 

He walks towards me and puts his hand on the side of my face. 

I freeze. 

He kisses my cheek. 

He pulls away and I am shook. 

Looking up at him I  find him smiling down on me.

  "Good night" he says and leaves.

 Wait! What? what is going on? what just happened? where am i? Who am i? He just kissed me and I am so lost and confused.


Bukchon Hanok Village, South Korea

Bukchon Hanok Village, South Korea

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My dream is to go there someday. <3

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