Chapter 36:

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Min Yoongi Pov.

One more day and she will be here.

In my arms.

While Alex is in school.

I decided to take part of day off.

That's why I'm at a jeweler.

Before Min Jee comes back home I need to find the perfect ring to propose to her.

This is the third place I have been to today.

And I think I found it.

The perfect ring for her.

Now I just need to figure out how I will propose to her

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Now I just need to figure out how I will propose to her... And when.

What if she says no to my proposal?

I can't think like that.

Since I'm all done with the shopping I make my way to the office.

For the next few hours I bury myself in work.

That is until my dear friends barge in my office.

We discuss a few matters and just hang out for a bit.

"How did the shopping go hyung?" Hoseok asks.

"I think it went well" I tell them.

"Can we see?" Taehyung asks excitedly.

Pulling out the little velvet box.

I open it and show my friends.

"Oh shit!" Jimin says.

The all look at the ring in awe.

"It's beautiful" Namjoon says.

"It's perfect for Noona" Jungkook says.

I smile at them.

"Do you know how you will propose?" Tae asks.

"No I'm still thinking on how to do it" I admit to them.

" Don't worry hyung we will help you think of a romantic way on how to propose to her" Jimin says.

"Thanks guys" I say.

Short chapter. Sorry.

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