Chapter 42:

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one month later.

Yoongi's POV

Today is a big day.

I told Min Jee that I needed to go on a last minute business trip but in reality the guys are helping  me set things up for the proposal.

I am going to ask her to be my wife tonight.

I honestly feel like I might pass out any second.

Jin and Jungkook have been keeping Min Jee busy, While the guys and I set everything up and Put the last touches to this.

"Okay,Hyung the music is ready" Namjoon informs me.

" And we will test the lights now" Says Hoseok.

A moment later all the fairy lights light up  the tree and the path way.

Tae sets a few pillows and some lanterns around the rug.

"It looks perfect Hyung. She is going to love it" Jimin says.

"Let's just hope she says yes" Tae says  earning a glare from all of us.

Hobi laughs "AH! why would you say that, Of course she will say yes"

Nodding to me in reassurance.

Fuck what if she doesn't say yes.

Namjoon pats my back "Hyung she loves you, You guys have come a long way. Don't sweat it"

I just nod my head knowing that no words will be coming out. I'm so nervous that I am choking up. 

I look at my watch. She will be arriving in 3 hours I should get ready and get our picnic basket.

Here goes nothing.

Min Jee's POV

After being dragged around by Jin Oppa all day our last stop was a beauty salon where I got my hair and makeup done.

Kookie and Alex come in with bags. "Here Momma" Alex says giving giving me one of the bags while Kookie gives me the other one.

I look at them confused.

Jin oppa just pushes me to the dressing room. "Put those on" He says and closes he door.

What the Fu**?!

I do as told and quickly change.

Walking out of the dressing room I ask my best friends and son

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Walking out of the dressing room I ask my best friends and son. "How do I look?"

I swear everyone went quiet even the workers. "That bead?" I ask when no one says anything.

"Momma, you look like a beautiful princess" Alex says.

"I have no words Noona" Kookie says in awe. 

Finally Jin oppa speaks up and I see him tearing up "My baby, you look gorgeous...I" 

This is the first time I have seen him this speechless.

I cant help but smile.

"Thanks Oppa, But why am I dressed like this? Are we going to a party?" I ask him.

"We are going to a cocktail party to meet some important people" He tells me dismissively.

I give him a questioning look.

"Kookie will take you there, While I drop off Alex at my mom's and I'll meet you there soon after" He Hugs me as well as Alex and they both walk away.

Kookie drives me  to our destination.

Once we get there "Noona I need to park the car. Just walk down that path and Ill be right with you" He says.

 I begin to walk the path when little fairy lights on either of my side are turned on and  Ed Sheeran's Perfect begins to play.

'I found a love for me

Darling, just dive right in

And follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me'

 I stop on my tracks and look around confused.

My heart hammering on my chest.

After a few seconds I begin to walk again as the song keeps playing.

Hearing this song all I can think about is Yoongi.

 As the song is coming to an end and I reach the end of the path more fairy light are turned on revealing my man under all those light dressed in a suit.

As I get closer to him he knees down and looks up at me  with so much love.

I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand.

Smiling he says " Min Jee, You are the love of my life, the air I breath. You have been since we were young. Lord knows I have fucked up, shoot everyone knows.  And like I have told you before,I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you and the life after that. I don't know how I have lived without you all these years but now that I have you and Alex in my life I  won't let go.  Min Jee would You do me the honor of becoming my forever,My wife and the mother of our future children?"

At this point I am sobbing. No words are coming out so I vigorously nod my head.

He gets up and Hug me.

"I love you so fucking much Min Yoongi" I sob.

He Chuckles " I love you too baby, so much"

pulling back he takes my had and slides the ring on my finger.

"It's beautiful" I say 

"Only the best for you" He says and leans in to press his lips on mine.

Our passionate kiss is interrupted by cheers.

we pull back to find all of our friend and our son who's eyes are being covered by Hoseok.

"You all knew about this" I state.

They all come to us and hug us congratulating us on the engagement.

After talking with everyone and they guys teasing Yoongi on how nervous he was. 

The guys leave us to celebrate.

Jin takes Alex with him.

Yoongi  and I  celebrate and talk about of our future.

How many kids we would want.


What our wedding would look like and when It will happen.

He let's me know that he wants a short engagement and I agree with him.

I can't wait for our forever.

Won't let go (Min Yoongi FF )✔Where stories live. Discover now