Chapter: 29

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Min Jee's POV

Today is the day I  will be meeting Yoongi's mom. 

 I am Fucking nervous .

 News about me Dating the boss spread like the swine flu.

 It was a bit uncomfortable but I just learned to ignore it.

It also doesn't help that Yoongi is so obvious about our relationship.

 He gives me back hugs and is always smirking at me. 

Don't get me wrong I love it but not in the workplace.

 Today Jin Oppa will bring Alex so that we can all go together. I am in the middle of getting a few things when Yoongi texts me.

Yobo:Jagiya!!! are you almost ready? 

Min Jee: yes babe I am getting a few files ready to bring to you. Jin Oppa said he was parking the car.

Yobo: Okay 😘 Can't wait for you and Alex to meet my mom

Min Jee: Same. Although I am a bit nervous.😅

Yobo :Don't be. She will love you.

Min Jee: :😘

I am getting my files when Alex and Jin walk in.

 "Mommy!" Alex runs to me.

 "Hey Handsome! You look so nice today! Are you ready to meet your Grandma?" I ask.

 "He's been going on and on about his Appa and his Grandma!" Says jin Oppa laughing.

 I Give Oppa a hug. "Thanks Oppa"

 He pulls away and says. "Anything for my hunny bun, So How are you feeling about meeting your future Mother- in -Law?" I swear he is so extra. 

"Oppa, We just got back together and there has been no talk about marriage.So stop. And about how i am feeling.... I am so nervous! I think I might pass out"

 Jin Oppa pats my back and says. "Breath honey bunches of oats, She will love you because Yoongi Loves You"

 I guess... "Yoongi said the same thing not to worry but I can't help it. I should get going. Love you Oppa"

 Picking up my bag and files I walk out "Fighting!" says jin oppa. 

Jungkook smiles at me and says "Good luck Noona" I smile

 "Thank you" With Alex we take the elevator to Yoongi's Office.

 I greet his Secretary and let myself in. Alex Runs in "APPA!!!!!" stepping in I see someone I was not expecting. Someone I would like to beat the crap out of. A pure Nightmare.

Yoongi's POV

As soon as I'm done texting Min Jee, I finish answering the last e-mail. When someone walks in. Thinking it's Min jee I  look up and smile only to see it wasn't her.

 It's Ji Soo.

 "Oppa! Why have you been avoiding me? And what about the collab we had planned? I said I would help you!"

 Ugh! Since I found out about what she did I have been harboring a hate towards her and I have come to realize what a fake bitch she is. 

She walks to me to give me a Hug but I move away.

 I don't want her anywhere near me.

 "Oppa?" she whines.

 "Don't touch me Ji Soo" i say.

 In that moment The door opens and in walks Alex and Min Jee.

 "APPAA!!!!!!!" he yells and runs into my arms.

 Min Jee just stays by the door staring at Ji Soo and if looks could kill Ji Soo would be dead.

 And Ji soo is eyes and mouth wide open looking at Alex and Min Jee.

"A-Appa?" says Ji Soo.

  I look her in the eyes. "Yes! He is my son. Min Jee's and mine" I say through clenched teeth.

"Are you sure? She could be lying to get some money Oppa" Ji Soo says.

 I am glaring at Ji Soo when I hear someone clear their throats and in comes Taehyung with a yellow envelope.

 "You have everything?" I ask. 

"Yes Hyung. Here you go"  He says passing the envelope to me.

 Min Jee walks and stands by my side.

 She looks at Taehyung and says "Tae could you keep Alex occupied maybe get a snack in the snack bar while we deal with this" She says pointing to Ji Soo.

  Oh snap! My bae is mad.

 Alex goes with Tae.

 Once the door is closed I turn to Ji Soo. "Where you the one that posted those pictures of Min Jee in High school?" I ask Ji Soo eyes go wide and she shakes her head.

 "N-No oppa, Whatever she said is not true"

 Wow. I can't believe she was my friend.

 "Min Jee didn't tell me anything, I did some research and I found that it was you and your friend behind it. WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! YOU KNEW I LOVED HER!" I yell at her.

 Ji Soo is looking at me scared. 

Good She should be.

 "O-Oppa I love you. I- I just wanted you for myself. She doesn't deserve you. She is trash" she says crying.

 I can't fucking believe her.

 "Listen to me and listen to me well....She is the person I love and because of you I missed so many years with my son. I don't want to see you anywhere near me or my family. Because if I see you I will destroy you and your family. Here in this envelope I have all the fraud and dirty business you dad has been up to.Mess with Min Jee or my Son and I will destroy you. Now get the fuck out of here! I don't want to see your face ever again" I say with Venom dripping in my voice.

 Ji Soo Runs out in tears.

 Mi Jee grabs my hand and squeezes it.

 I take a deep breath Trying to calm myself down.

 "Let's go see my mom" She smiles.

 "Let's go baby" she says and we walk out of my office holding hands.

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