Chapter 22:

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Min Jee's POV

I wake up feeling like crap. 

Damn my head is pounding.

 I turn to my might stand and look at the time... 9:30!!!! OH shit i am sooo late for work.

 I jump of my bed and start taking off my clothes to get a quick shower.

 As I am about to take off my Pajama shorts I hear.

 "Umm..W-why are you taking off y-your clothes off?"

 I turn to see Yoongi with his back towards me.

 "YAHHHH!!!!!!!! W-what are you doing here?" I scream.

 I look back at my bed and the the sheets are a mess on both sides.

 Oh lord!

 "Did-did we...." I say but before I can finish he says.

 "We didn't, I wouldn't do that to you unless you were sober and begging for it"

 His voice sounds so seductive that it sends shivers down my spine.

 Feeling flustered I say.

 "E-evn if i was sober I wouldn't beg."

 I starts to get dressed.

 He turns and says "Really?! because last night you wouldn't stop kissing  me"

 Oh Man! what did i do last night?!.

 He gives me a cocky grin and walks towards me.

 "You don't remember last night?" he asks.

 No I don't.

 Do I even want to know.

 I avoid him and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

 Walking out I see he is still there looking at me.

 I look away "I don't remember" I say.

 He signs and says "I think we should talk about it"

 Talk? I look at him and I am immediately filled with anger.

 He wants to talk?Now?

 I wanted to talk to him for years... No hell no Fuck him!

 "You want to talk?! Now?!... About what? Because I have nothing to say to you!"

 Balling  my fists.

I grill at him.

I see something like regret cross his eyes but i'm not sure. 

I'm too angry to care either way.

 Moving from where he is standing he says.

 "I'm sorry,I'm sorry for the way  I treated you,I'm sorry for being such an asshole to you and saying all those mean things,I'm sorry for misplacing my anger,I'm sorry that you had to raise Alex all alone,I'm sorry I wasn't there for you and what I  am the  most sorry for is that I let go of the best thing in my life and never even heard you out. "

 I can't breath. 

Why? Why now?!

 I am trying to hold back my tears all the pain and sorrow the hard times of being a single mom and a student.

"Why? Why now? And You knew about Alex? For how long? Why are you doing this to me?" I say almost defeated. And I feel my tears fall.

Yoongi's POV

Seeing her so defeated, the pain in her eyes kills me.

 And what's even worse is that I am the cause of that pain.

 Swallowing I answer her questions.

 "I have known about him since that day you slapped me as for why am I doing this... I want you back, I won't let go of you this time. I want you and my Son" I say with confidence.

 She just shakes her head like she doesn't understand. 

Tear keep rolling down her face.I want to hug her but I'm not sure how she'll take it.

 "But you hate me!" she  whimpers.

 "I don't.Like I said it was misplaced anger" I say.

 She looks up at  me and says "How much do you know about what happened?" 

Looking at her in the eyes I say. 

 "EVERYTHING...About what happened at the party,who did it everything"  I  say and she starts sobbing. 

 I can't take it anymore.

 I walk to her and wraps my arms around her.

She cries and I feel her tears soaking my shirt.

 And I hug her even tighter.

 "I'm sorry, You have no idea how sorry I am" I keep apologizing as she sobs in my arms. 

Won't let go (Min Yoongi FF )✔Where stories live. Discover now