Chapter : 43

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After Yoongi Proposed News of our engagement spread fast.

News outlets where going crazy over the news and wanted to know when when the wedding would take place.

Things had been chaotic but I wasn't bothered. 

Yoongi and I were on cloud nine, nothing could bother us.

One thing that we have been having trouble with is  how soon do we want to have our wedding.

I mean I did agree to a short engagement but Yoongi wants us to get married next month.

Don't get me wrong I want to tie his ass to me forever but to plan a whole ass wedding in just a month is kind of impossible.

"Babe didn't you say you wanted a short engagement" He asks.

"I did love but to have everything done in a month? Isn't it a bit nuts?" I ask him

"Babe lets pick a date and you let me do the rest" He says confidently.

"YOU want to plan a whole wedding?" I ask him in disbelief.

"Baby the sooner I can claim you as mine the better, If I have to plan a wedding to get you to be mine sooner rather than later, than so be it" He kisses me.

"Babe, I am already yours" I tell him.

"Body and soul, you are. But not by name. I want you to be all mine" He grunts as he begins to kiss my neck.

"I love it when you get all possessive" I moan. "Fine plan the wedding, to be a month from tomorrow. Just let me know what time I need to be there"

He chuckles darkly, His tongue running over my collar bone. "I was going to do it either way with or without your okay"

Finding my sensitive spot he bites down on it making me moan even louder.

"Then why..." I gasp.

"Just out of courtesy my love." he says peeling off my robe.

He turns me around so that my back is against his chest and whispers in my ear. "Be a good girl and get in all fours my love"

I shiver and do as told.

Yoongi went to the office today and I bet all my money that he already started planning the wedding.

I'm finishing up work when I get a call from Jin Oppa.

Me:Hello World wide Handsome

Jin: Hey babes, wanna grab some lunch.

Me:Sure, where do you wanna go?

Jin: Ollies?

Me: Sounds good

Jin:Meet you there in 20?

Me: Be there in 20, BYEEE!!!


I quickly change my clothes and leave the house.

I finally make it to the restaurant.

Walking in I spot Jin and make my way to him.

"You are late! " He pouts.

"Well, Hello to you too oppa" I hug him. "Sorry, you know traffic"

"It's fine, I already ordered for us" He says.

"Sounds good, So how have yo been? I feel like I haven't seen you in like forever" I tell him.

"Ugh! i was feeling the same way but we saw each other 3 days ago" He says.

"True, But oppa 3 days is a long time to be away from my other half" I pout.

"I thought Yoongi was your other half" I narrows his eyes at me.

"He is not my other half, He is my everything, but you oppa are my better half, the one I can be crazy with" I tell him.

"I feel the same way, You are like my wifie who I have no sexual desire for"He winks.

I crack up at his comment.

"Sooo... you are famous now, future Mrs.Min" He jests.

"Ugh! by some miracle Yoongi and I have been able to avoid any kind reporter. Like it's so weird, Like why do they wanna know" I say.

"Because since you helped them the company has become one of the most profitable company in Korea, Everyone is curious about who snatched the most eligible bachelor" Jin sass.

"I didn't snatch him, He's always been mine" I tell him confidently.

He laughs at me "Damn right girl."

"So..The question of the century. when is the wedding?" he asks.

Taking a sip from my water I say "One month from tomorrow"

His mouth slacks as he just stares at me like is not sure what he just heard.

"I'm sorry d-did you say ONE MONTH!!" He yells.

"Yoongi wants it soon soon, It told him it would be impossible to plan a wedding in a moth but he told me that he would do everything"I shrug

He gives a 'seriously' look.

"Let me guess.. He fucked you into submission and you agreed to everything he said." Jin smirked.

I fake gasp. "Is that what you do to Joonie? Poor Joonie he has no fighting chance"

"Bitch!!" He chuckles.

"But, No he said that he would do it weather I agreed or not, That he wanted me to be his as soon as possible and then he fucked me into oblivion" I admit.

"Im surprised You are still walking doll" He jokes.

"So am I" I say in all seriousness.

"Just be ready to receive an invitation any day now." I add.

He nods and then gasp. "OMO! We need to get you a dress!!!"

"Yeah that is on my to do list" I tell him.

"I will look up a few places and make appointments for tomorrow" He says taking charge.

"Don't you have to work" I say.

"Nah! I am set for life thanks to my Amazing BFF" I winks.

"Oppa, there is something I want to ask you" I say very serious.

He notices my change in attitude and narrows his eyes, waiting for me to ask.

"You know I have no family and You have been there for me through everything I was wondering, Would you walk me down the aisle?" I give him a nervous smile.

His eyes begin to swell with tears.

He gets up from his seat and hugs me "It will be my honor Sis"

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