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"I'm off to class! Be back in about two hours!" Gemma yelled as she went out the door. Harry walked to his kitchen table and placed the bundle of things he had in his arms on the table.

"Lights, fabric, elastic, poster, markers, glitter, lights. I think that's everything" Harry rubbed the small beards on his chin.

I'm about to make my costume, should I go live?

Reya 🐣✨
Ummmmm duh! What's your costume?

You'll see if you join my livestream ;)

Reya 🐣✨
I hate you 😝

Harry laughed at the last text and exited the app. He proceeded to head over to Instagram and post.

stylerswift13 I AM GOING LIVE RIGHT NOW! Imma just go live while I make my costume. Gemma isn't home so I'm bored too. Username on periscope is the same as on here. See ya soon H xx
Harry proceeded to head over to the Periscope app and went live. The timer counted down until he was finally live. "Hey guys!" He waved at the camera. "I'm just going to be making my costume. Don't mind me. Ask me questions! Things you've always wonder about me and stuff!" Harry smiled as he headed over to the kitchen table and sat down. Comments began rolling in as he grabbed his poster.

Are you home alone? "Yeah! My sister just left for class! Do you guys wanna know my idea for my poster and costume?" He smiled into the camera and got a lot of yeses. "As you may know, Style is my absolute favorite song of Taylor so in the lyrics, it says long hair, slicked back, white t-shirt bitch! I swear that's me! I swear it's like she writes it for me. Anyways, imma wear a white t-shirt, black skinny jeans, slick back my hair and I was thinking a light up tutu," He smiled wide into the camera as he looked up from making his poster.

How old are you? "I think I've always answered this but I'm 21. I'll turn twenty-twoooo uuh uuuuh next year in February," he smiled as he kept writing out his sign.

Where are you from? I like your accent. "Why thank you! I'm from England. Cheshire. Charlie O Pip Pip!" He giggled.

You're so hot, how are you single??? "I don't know. I guess I haven't found the one, I mean I don't really go out. My last serious girlfriend ended badly so I'm not really ready for one, plus I don't need one because I've got my Queen!"

"Do you guys know if Taylor is doing like Club Red thing again? I hope so because I really want to meet her! Been there since like the beginning," Harry kept writing his letters.

Yes, rumors have it that she will also have special guests and it's predicted to be the biggest concert of the decade. "Holy shit really? Oh my god you guys I almost got pit tickets but Gemma's dumbass answered my question too late," Harry rolled his eyes.

Who's Gemma? Girlfriend? "Ew. Gross. Gemma is my sister" Harry laughed it off.

How old is she? "She's 26. She's five years older than me. It was a pain in the arse growing up with her," Harry nodded his head in agreement.

Have you graduated college? "No actually, I dropped out the second year, it's a long story...but I guess we have time don't we?" He looked up and laughed. "Gemma and I both grew up in Cheshire and when she graduated high school she got into NYU so she moved here. 4 years later I graduated and got into Oxford. I made it through one year and that's when I met that girl, the serious one, and she ended up cheating on me. It broke me so bad I didn't want to return that coming year so I studied abroad with Gemma. She let me move as long as I helped pay rent. I took a semester at NYU and didn't like it. I dropped out and here we are now," He gave a weak smile.

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