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I invited my girlfriends over for a special surprise dinner except they didn't know it was a surprise. We usually had dinner together when we're all in New York. It's rare that all of us are in New York so I like to take advantage of it whenever I can.

It'll be nice to catch-up with the girls as I haven't really had time to talk with them about my tour and my boyfriend with everything going on. I've been spending every second I had free with him so I think it's time for a little girl time, but also time for them to know everything.

I invited seven of my closest friends who have been by my side through everything. I made for them Nigella Lawson's Mughlai Chicken, which I've been craving a lot lately. I also made them Chai Tea Eggnog cookies for dessert, which I'm super excited to eat but I'm going to have to wait until dessert or else I'll eat them all in one sitting.

I just finished setting the table and everything is done, now all that's left is for them to show up. I got a couple of texts saying they were 5 minutes away and that's when I began to become nervous. My announcement could all make or break our friendships and I don't want to find out I've had fake friends this whole time because I have told these girls so much that the media does not know.

I turned around to face the mirror in my dining room. I am so glad I put this in here. I turned to my side profile and admired my outfit, I told all the girls that this dinner was themed "Red Carpet." I thought it would be fun to have a themed dinner and I hope everyone follows the dress code. I fixed my hair a little as my fixin' up was interrupted by my doorbell running, "Coming!" I yelled.

I walked over to the door, took a deep breath, and placed my hand on the knob. I opened it and Lily immediately greeted me with a hug, "Oh my god, it's so good to finally see you! I've missed you!"

I broke the hug but still held onto her, "I've missed you too! It's been such a long time! I see you followed the dress code!" I looked her up and down.

"Yes, of course, I did! Your dress is beautiful by the way!"

"Thank you! Come in, take a seat. You know where the dining room is," I closed the door behind her and followed her to the dining room.

"Ooh I'm here early, where are all the others?"

"They said they were on their way! You get to chose your seat haha!" I said as I brought over two glasses of champagne over.

I handed it to her, "Oh, thank you! What's on the menu tonight...?" She said as she gave me a look. She took a sip of her champagne and sat down into her chosen seat.

"Uh...Mughlai Chicken. Why are you looking at me like that?" I placed down my glass of champagne on the table.

"Oh, nothing. Your dress just looks really pretty on you," she smiled. I could see her lie through her teeth.

"I know you're lying-," the doorbell rang, "You've been saved by the bell!" She chuckled.

I went to open the door and found six of the girls on the other side, "Martha! Gi! Sel! Karlie! Blake!"

"Taylor!" They all said.

I pulled them all into a big group hug, "Oh my god, I've missed you all. I love you guys!" I let go and looked at them up and down as I did with Lily, "Oh my god, you guys followed the dress code!"

"Of course we did, why wouldn't we?" Selena smiled.

"Good because if you hadn't, I wouldn't let you into my house," I chuckled, "Come on in guys! Lily is already sat down and waiting, you girls know where the dining room is."

They all walked in and chatted their way into the dining room. I headed into the kitchen to bring them all glasses of champagne. I grabbed the platter and walked back into the dining too, "I got champagne!" They all cheered. Each one of them grabbed a glass off my platter and thanked me.

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