ch || 19

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I just stepped out of Taylor's flat and I'm headed to my car to go back to my flat. I think I'm the happiest man alive right now. My girlfriend just told me she was having a baby and I'm going to be a dad. I never expected it to happen so early but I don't care, I'm going to be a dad!

I'm having a baby with the woman I love. We're going to start a family, I'm going to have my own little family. There's going to be a little Taylor running around. I really wish I could've stayed for longer, I never want to leave her side now. Especially since we're having a baby. I had to go home because Taylor was going to have her family over for dinner and she thought it was best if I wasn't there in case it all goes wrong.

It took me a long time to gain her family's trust, so I don't want to lose it because I didn't bag it one time. I really hope Taylor's family is accepting of us becoming a family or else I don't know how well the relationship will work out.

I couldn't wait to tell my family, my mom has been wanting to be a grandmother since Gemma moved out and she's been bugging her about it but now she can stop bugging her. I just hope they're happy for me because I am happy. I am excited to be a dad, to have a family of my own.

I arrived at my flat and burst through the door, "Gem! Gemma! Where are you? I have some news!" I sang.

I didn't hear a reply but I knew she was home. The car was in the parking garage and she'd never go somewhere without telling me first. I walked into the hallway that had both of our rooms and knocked on her door. I was just going to go for it but I remembered last time I did that, I would be scarred for the rest of my life, chills went down my back remembering what had happened.

I knocked and there was no answer I just opened the door. She was sleeping, "What? What time is it?" I said to myself, "Get the fuck up!" I grabbed a pillow and hit her in her face with it, instantly waking her up.

"What? Huh, yeah!" She sat up, looking terrified, and looked at me, "Harry! What the fuck, I was sleeping," she grabbed the pillow out of my hands and smacked me back with it.

"Well get up, it's midday," I hit her again with the pillow and she punched me in my thigh.

"Harryyyy! I just got back from a shift like four hours ago!" She whined.

"I don't give a fuck, you can sleep all you want afterward," I sat next to her.

"Sleep after what?" She sat up, her hair was all frizzy and puffy and shit, I let out a snort, "Shut up, what did you want to tell me?" She yawned and looked towards me.

"Okay," I pulled out my wallet and took the ultrasound picture out of the little clear pocket and handed it to her.

"Harry, I don't have my contacts in, what is this?" She pulled them image closer and squinted at me, "It just looks like a blob? Why are you showing me this? You woke me up for this?" She looked up at me confused.

I grabbed her glasses off the bedside table, "No, now here! Put them on and shut up!"

She put them on and I'm guessing she was finally able to process what the picture was because she looked up at me with her mouth wide open, "Is–Is this Taylor's ultrasound?" She pointed at the picture.

I smiled with my teeth and nodded my head in excitement, "Yes!"

"You're an idiot!" She smacked the back of my head, "Do you not know how to bag it? Do I have to bloody teach you?"

"Hey! Hey! You do realize that you are going to be the aunt of Taylor Swift's child, right?" I grabbed the back of my head in pain. Damn, she's fucking strong, that shit hurt.

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