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"Gemma! Your phone is ringing. Turn that shit off!" Harry growled.

"It's yours you dumb fuck! Now fucking turn that shit off so I can fucking sleep!" Gemma hissed as she covered her ears with her pillow. Harry turned around and viewed the time on the clock.

"Who the fuck calls at 3:07 in the fucking morning," Harry complained as he grabbed his phone.

"I don't know but fucking do something about that fucking ring or I am gonna stab you!" Gemma yelled in anger.

"Bitch I'm going," Harry yawned as he cleared his eyes to see the caller ID.

"Oh my god it's Taylor," Harry exclaimed.

"If you're gonna answer it, please answer it outside I WANNA FUCKING SLEEP!"

Harry did not want to argue with Gemma any longer so he stepped out of the room. Unfortunately, he took too long to answer so the FaceTime call ended. It was immediately followed by two iMessages. He quickly ran downstairs and sat on the couch.

Fortunately, he woke up Olivia, so she came and cuddled with him on the couch, giving him company. He finally was able to open the two messages

Please answer it's urgent.

I'm so sorry to call this late at night and if I woke you.

What's wrong babe?

Is everything alright

As soon as Harry sent those message, it was read. The three typing icons popped up but then disappeared. A FaceTime call was received and he immediately accepted the call. It took awhile to reconnect as the WiFi was usually down at night. The screen then flashes Taylor in front of him and he smiled but then realized she was a mess.

She had tears flowing down her eyes, her hair was all messed up and she looked all red. "Woah babe, are you okay!? What happened!?" He went into protective boyfriend mode.

"You know how when my mom apologized to you and she said we would talk when we got home?" She sniffled a bit.


"We just talked for about three hours. She told me how she felt that I had become distant from her. Not telling her everything anymore and all that," Taylor sniffled a little.

"I have a feeling this was all my fault," Harry frowned.

"No, no! Babe trust me it's not. It'd began around the start of the 1989 era. I just told her that I've just been growing up. I'm 24 now, I need to start my life you know? Make my own decisions become more independent. Maybe even start a family of my own, I told her she can care for her grandchild are much as she wants," Taylor giggled.

"That's good! I'm glad you guys are on the same page but does she still hate me though? Are our families cool?" Harry asked.

"No, she absolutely loves you, I mean she is the whole reason we met haha but yes we're all cool" Taylor chuckled.

"My dad loves Rob and your mom. He said Gemma had a bit of a potty mouth but not as big as mine. Yes, I'm guilty I cuss a lot at home," Taylor chuckled.

"I do too haha. Especially when I fight with Gemma. Just back and forth of cussing," Harry laughed.

"My mom said your mom is her new best friend," they laughed.

"Is that Olivia you're petting? Please tell me it's Olivia and not what I think it is," Taylor became a little squeamish.

"Yes, it's Olivia and you're gross," Harry laughed as he lifted up Olivia to the screen and her little head peered onto Taylor's screen.

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