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I woke up on the sofa feeling really nauseous, the vomit was practically in my throat. I rushed to the nearest bathroom and just let it all out for about 15 minutes. I fucken hate morning sickness.

I went back to the sofa and noticed a sleeping Austin. Memories from last night came rushing back to me and they made me smile. After I texted Austin he came home with bags of chips and different drinks from the gas station. We watched romcoms until we both knocked out, I couldn't ask for a better brother.

I grabbed my phone from the coffee table to check the time, 5:35 am. Whoa, just enough time to get ready to head to Arlington for my next show. I looked down at my small baby bump and gently rubbed it, "Thank you, baby girl, you are an amazing alarm," I said softly. I glanced over at Austin, he had his stuff packed already and guys don't take long to get ready so I decided to give him another 30 minutes of rest.

After getting ready and waking Austin we headed to the airport. Noticing that we had a little bit of extra time we stopped to get breakfast burritos to go, thank god I was starving. We got in my private jet and were off on our 3-hour flight to Arlington.


We got to the stadium around 12 in the afternoon and I went in to get ready for soundcheck. As I walked in I was surprised by the sight of Harry talking with Tree and my mother. "Harry!" I yelled out his name and ran to him. He embraced me upon contact and lifted me off my feet.

"What are you doing here love?" My voice cracked when I asked and my eyes were getting watery. I don't know why I was crying my emotions have just been x10 since my pregnancy started. Harry's expression then changed from a sweet look to a serious expression.

"Your mum flew me in this morning because honestly Taylor we...we need to talk to you about the tour," Harry's words sunk my heart, it made me feel betrayed and angry.

"What is this? Some type of intervention!" I snatched my hands away from Harry's and turned my back to the group.

"Taylor, honey, don't be like this. We are just looking out for you and the baby. It's not healthy to be doing these shows that require an extreme amount of energy," My mom explained as she walked over to me and put her hands on my shoulder and arm. She sighed, "That is why we all, as a group of people that love you, decided to tell Tree and ask her opinion on this. See if canceling the tour would be a possibility and if we should primarily."

I turned around abruptly, "Absolutely not! My fans are counting on me and they deserve more!" I exclaimed as I crossed my arms.

Tree then stepped forward, "Taylor, I'm sorry but the tour is off. This is not up for debate."

I felt tears running down my cheeks "F-fine," I wiped my tear with the back of my hand, "At least let me do one more show,  Arlington will b-be my last night."

"Okay honey, one more show," my mom spoke up as she embraced me in a tight hug, I could still hear Tree's sigh in the background. Austin and Harry proceeded to join in making it a really cute group hug. It helped a lot, it calmed me, and I'm now ready for my last show of the 1989 tour.

"One more thing Taylor, since we can't afford to let anyone see your bump we are gonna cancel Loft '89 tonight," Tree said in a stern voice, "Up close it's really noticeable and we already modified your tour outfits a bit so that it doesn't look like you're pregnant from a distance."

"Wha-" I was about to protest but she brought up good points, "I understand," I could hear the disappointment in my own voice although I tried to hide it.

I simply just turned around and walked away from everyone to my dressing room. I sat down and put my head down on the vanity desk.

Suddenly I felt someone hug me from behind. I could recognize that warm hug anywhere, Harry. I stood up and turned around to hug him back, I couldn't help but to sob in his arms.

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