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"Ugh, what time is it? Why is an alarm going off? It's my day off!" I whined. I turned over and tried to cover my ears with my blanket.

I awoke to the sound of the annoying radar sound. I grabbed a pillow and covered my ears with it, "It's my alarm. Sorry love," he apologized.

I felt him get up from bed and I immediately sat up, "Where are you going, it's—" I squinted at the clock adjacent to me on the bedside table, "3:30 in the morning."

"Work love, I still have work," he chuckled as he got up and stretched.

"At 3:30am? Don't lie to me," I gave him a stern look.

"I'm not. My shift starts at 4:00am, I'm a baker. All pastries and bread must be baked before 6:00am," he smiled as he began to put on his clothes.

I laid back down and turned on my side, facing his distraction, "You're leaving me? I wanted to spend my day off with you," I frowned.

"Me too but I need to go to work," He bent back down, pushed my bangs out of the way and kissed my forehead, "I love you."

"What time are you out?"

"12:00, but after I need to go meet up with my friend Niall. He's getting married and he needs help with a couple of things," he yawned as he buckled his belt.

"So I won't get to see you all day? Also, you didn't tell me about this wedding, were you not planning on taking me?" I rose an eyebrow.

"I was, he was fine with you being my plus one. Just havent had the time to tell you love, but you're coming with me," he smiled, making me smile, "And yes, I'll be gone all day, but I'll be here at all evening. I'll make it up to you, I promise," he frowned. He finished getting dressed and sat back in bed next to me.

"What am I gonna do? I don't want to be in bed all day long."

"Hang out with Gemma. Have sisterly bonding time with her. She shouldn't be busy today because Gemma literally has no life," we chuckled.

"Alright, okay. That doesn't sound like a bad idea. I haven't seen her in a bit, plus we can talk about you," I laughed evilly.

"You're too cute," he booped my nose, "Okay, I have to go to work, I'll see you tonight," he kissed me and I pulled him into a hug.

"I love you, be safe please," I let go and he nodded.

"I'll see you tonight, let Gemma know I'll be sleeping here again tonight, please," he yelled as he left the bedroom.

"Okay," I yelled back and I heard the front door shut. I squinted at the clock and the time read 3:48, I groaned and covered my face with a pillow. I really wanted to spend my day off with Harry but it's okay. I understand he has a job to go to.

I want to text Gemma and take Harry's suggestion but it's literally four in the morning. I don't want to be annoying and wake up her. I don't want to upset her because she's the closest thing I have to a sister. I dont want to lose that. I just laid back down and closed my eyes, waiting to fall asleep.


I opened my eyes and yawned. I squinted over to my clock and it read 8:56. That's a reasonable time. I usually don't get to sleep a lot when on tour. I sat up, stretched and cracked my back. I reached for my phone to check if I had any important emails or messages I had to answer.

I felt sick, nauseous. Harry and I had a little too much to drink last night. I should probably stop drinking so much because I've been feeling super sick in the morning these past few days. I hate having hangovers, but drinking is fun. I love celebrating after shows with my crew. I do admit that I drink excessively, more than I should but who cares. I'm only 25 once.

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