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The past two weeks were a brutal blur. The world is beginning to look colorless and faded. My eyes are puffy and red from crying so much. I have never cried this much in my life than I have in the past two weeks. I'm dealing with this by myself, Taylor refuses to talk to me. I've been getting the cold shoulder ever since we got home from the doctor's.

I try to talk to her but it's like I'm talking to a brick wall. She ignores almost everything I say. She refuses to talk about it and it terrifies me that she's bottling up everything. I never thought I'd be on the way to the funeral of my baby but here I am, driving to the funeral home. My fiancée won't talk to me and I'm just an emotional mess.

The car ride was excruciatingly silent and awkward. I contemplated saying many things but I backed out every time I went to open my mouth. I turned on the radio to play some of Taylor's favorite music but she immediately turned it off, glared at me, and continued looking out the window. A tear fell down my cheek, what the fuck are you doing wrong, Harry?

We got to the funeral home and immediately after I parked, she got out of the car and made her way to the building. I quickly went to catch up with her and went to grab her hand but she harshly rejected and walked at a faster pace ahead of me. I placed my rejected hand into my front jean pocket and proceeded inside by myself as she already went inside, without me.

I walked in and it looked like everyone was here. I saw Taylor, her friends tried talking to her and getting ahold of her, she rejected all of them harshly and just kept walking past to the very front of the benches. She sat down in the very front, and just sat there, not moving. It hurt my heart to see her like this. I wish I knew what she was thinking.

"Harry," I heard someone call my name. I turned to where the voice had come from.

"Mummy," I engulfed her into a hug. She hugged me tightly and I lost it. I began sobbing into her shoulder. She rubbed my back and I could hear her quietly crying too. She cooed and tried to make me feel better but it didn't help, "Mum, I don't know what happened! He's–He's gone."

"Shhh, it's okay sweetheart. I'm here, it's not your fault. It's no one's," she placed her hand on my head and continued to rub my back. I'm sure I was crying like how a little baby does to their mum but I don't care. It hurt, it all hurt. I had to gasp for some air from all the sobbing.

When I got as much out as possible, I let go of my mum's embrace, "Harry, I'm here for you. Always," Gemma said.

"I love you," I replied and grabbed her hand and she squeezed. It felt nice to have the support and comfort of my family, even if I couldn't get it from Taylor.

"How's she doing?" My mom asked and we looked over to Taylor. Her parents and Austin were surrounding her, they tried to comfort her and offer hugs but she just shrugged them all off and pushed them away. Andrea was crying as Austin held her while they walked away from Taylor.

"She won't talk to me and if she does, she's rude, cold, mean. I don't know what to do mum. She's–She's different," I began crying again and Gemma held onto me and squeezed my hand.

"She's going through a difficult loss right now, honey. We all deal with grief differently," she grabbed my free hand and held it.

"Harry!" We all turned to face who called out my name, it was Andrea, "Harry! What's wrong with Taylor? Why is she refusing hugs and why is she so–so cold?" She cried.

"Andrea," I let go of Gemma and my mum's hands', "I–I don't know. She's acting like that towards me too. She has exchanged few words with me," I grabbed her hands and squeezed them tightly.

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