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"Wow, this view is amazing," I took in the surrounding scenery. Taylor wanted to go to the beach at like five in the morning. I told her she was tripping, oh was that a mistake. She whined until I agreed and hate to say it, but she's right. It's beautiful. It's freezing cold because it's December and we're in New York but it's beautiful.

"And who didn't want to come," she teased and looked up at me. We were sitting on a rock just enjoying the view of the ocean. She was sitting next to me, laying her head on my shoulder while I had my arm around her back.

"Love, we're on a beach at six in the morning in the middle of December, tell me how that sounds," I chuckled.

"Sounds like my type of morning," she laughed and placed her hand on my chest. Moments like these are things I want to cherish forever, making her feel like she's just a normal girl hanging out with her boyfriend on the beach. I would do anything to put a smile on that face, she really does deserve the world.

After talking about just life and our futures for a bit, she wanted to take a little walk on the beach. I didn't think it was a good idea because of how cold it was but she insisted. She's very stubborn and, especially now since she's pregnant, I can never win so I just go with whatever she says.

"I haven't been to the beach in ages!" She skipped around in the sand.

I followed behind her, walking, "We literally went not too long ago when we were in Rhode Island," I chuckled. I looked up and the scene was perfect, Taylor standing there with the ocean tide coming in a little, it was a photographer's dream, "Wait, love, stop. Stand there!" She stopped and looked back at me. I took out my phone.

"What is it?" She giggled.

"Stand there, face forward, and then look back at the camera," I commanded. She did as I said and snapped the picture, "Perfect! You look, beautiful love," I cooed.

"Ooh, let me see!" She cheered like a little kid and came running to me. I showed her the picture, "I look fat Harry," she frowned.

"Stop lying, you look perfect," I placed a kiss on her forehead, making her giggle. She wrapped her hands around my arm and laid her head on my shoulder, "I'm gonna post it. It's beautiful," I looked at her.

"Shut up, She blushed.

hescox94 My winding wheel <3

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hescox94 My winding wheel <3


"My winding wheel?" She read my caption, "What's that mean?"

"It's a metaphor for the ultimate soulmate, the person that is with you for the rest of your life, guiding you when you're lost and inspiring you when you need inspiration. Like a–like a driving force, the reason you keep going," I smiled down at her.

Her eyes seemed intrigued and brighter once I said that, "You really think I'm your winding wheel?" she gave me a sweet little smile, it was the cutest thing.

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