ch || 10

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Harry and Gemma went into their London home.

"MOMMA!" Harry yelled. Anne appeared almost immediately from the kitchen door.

"Oh my god, I've missed you guys so much!" she ran to them and gave them both a tight hug.

"We missed you too mum!" They both said in unison.

"I've missed you more though," Harry said as Gemma glared at him. Anne just laughed,

"I just made dinner if you guys are hungry?"

"Oh hell yeah," Harry exclaimed and Gemma just nodded.

"Go put your bags in the guest room upstairs I'll be in the kitchen," she gave them both a kiss on the cheek and they went on their way.

Harry and Gemma both went upstairs to I'm pack. As soon as Gemma opened the door to the room Harry pushed past her and leaped on the bed in the far right of the room, next to the window. "I CALL DIBS" he yelled as he cuddled with the pillow.

"Psh so childish," whispered Gemma under her breath. Harry threw the pillow at the back of her head

"Hey! I heard that!"

Gemma looked startled as she did not expect that to happen "You little-!" She grabbed the pillow from the floor and repeatedly hit Harry with it.

"Okay! Okay! Truce!" Harrys yells were mixed with laughter and 'ows'.

They went downstairs and Harry sat down waiting for his plate of freshly made spaghetti. Gemma sat down with her plate and Harry's mouth watered as he watched her eat it. Harry then looked over to his mom, she was just sipping tea and looking through her phone.

"Umm mum?" Harry said.

"Yes, sweetie?" Anne didn't look up from her phone.

"...nevermind" Harry didn't say anything as he got the hint that he has to serve himself now, being an adult sucks, he thought.

As soon as Harry was finished with his massive amount of spaghetti he thanked his mom and kissed her on the head. He then ran upstairs and jumped on the bed like a school girl and proceeded to text Taylor.

Hey I just got to my mums, I miss you but also excited to see you again :)

Taylor Swift
Me too 😍 but I'm a bit busy right now with tour stuff so ill text you when I can okay? 😊

Yea okay xx

Harry then sighed and put his face down in the pillow. He never considered how little he would be able to text Taylor, she was a very busy woman. The few days he spent with her in New York were amazing but not enough. He just started dating her, he deserves more time with her.

Damn I'm being selfish again, he thought. Its okay, its okay, Taylor will come to London in 9 more days, I can wait. He defiantly knew he could not wait but he didn't have much of a choice so he decided to go keep himself busy and distracted.

Harry went downstairs to find Olivia Pope, maybe he could send a cute video to Taylor. When he got downstairs he saw Gemma in the couch holding Olivia, fuck.

"My turn!" He exclaimed as he tried to grab Olivia from Gemma's lap.

"Oh, I don't think so," She reached for Olivia but it was too late Harry had her in his arms already.

"What the fuck, I barely got her," Gemma whined,

"Bitch, you hog her all the time," Gemma just rolled her eyes and left.

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