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It was finally time for Loft '89, Harry's throat and body were mad at him for yelling and screaming so much but he didn't care, he had too much adrenaline to stop now. Plus, in just a few minutes he would breathe the same air as Queen Taylor herself. He could not believe that he got picked for Loft '89, he pinched himself a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Nope, this was definitely happening, he was so nervous he felt like he was gonna poop himself.

He took a deep breath and made his way to section 102. He presented his ticket and bracelet to Mama Swift and the security at the door, where he was told to put away his phone once Taylor comes out.

As soon as he walked in there he was hit with the feeling of being at home, where he belongs, with his people. He was surprised to see how many people were in there, maybe 30-40, he expected far less.

He looked around and noticed people from Taylor's crew were scattered around the room, he made it his mission to get a picture with all of them. He found Tree, Mama and Papa Swift, the backup singers, and dancers, in the process a few more fans recognized him from Instagram and got pictures with him. One of them even asked for his number but he brushed her off by telling her to just message him on Instagram.

After running around and taking pictures he felt himself getting hungry so he made his way to the food table. He started drooling as he stared at the infinite amount of pizza, cookies, and drinks. He took about 5 slices of pizza, a dozen cookies, and 3 sodas and went to sit on the couch. He quickly pulled out his phone and sent Gemma and Reya the pictures with the crew, "Hehehe how jealous are you," he sent to both of them.

At his 5th slice Tree made the announcement that Taylor would come out in 5 minutes and everyone has to put away any camera or recording device, anyone who refuses will be escorted out by security. Harry put away his phone and quickly and tried to finish his food.

Pretty soon Taylor came from behind a curtain and the room was filled with feminine screams. "Hey, guys! I'm Taylor!" She smiled and waved at everyone.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD MY QUEEN, MARRY ME!!!!!" Harry screamed. He saw Taylor smile when he said that so he chose to claim that smile for himself. He still could not believe he was in the presence of Taylor Alison Swift herself, he could not keep himself from doing a dance of joy. A few fans laughed but he did not care he was too happy to care.

Harry wanted to be the last person to talk to Taylor, it seemed like everyone was getting about 5 mins with her, maybe he can get more. He could not stop staring at Taylor, her eyes skimmed around the room as if she was looking for someone. "Maybe one of the noticed fans from Tumblr," He thought.

His heart skipped a beat when he made eye contact with Taylor and she seemed to giggle a bit. He could feel his face getting red but he could not stop it, was Taylor looking for him?

He could not tell because she went right back to talking to fans after that enchanting moment. He felt his heart start to race and he wanted to scream and jump with joy at that moment but he collected himself when a few fans that just met Taylor came up to him. Again more fans asking for pictures with him, was he really this famous? He looked back at Taylor, he could swear she just smirked at him but maybe it was his mind playing tricks with him.

After an hour and a half or so, he was finally the only one in the room along with Taylor, some security and a few people from the crew sitting around. He was so excited, he didn't think he could keep his cool, "fuck it," he said to himself.

He got down on one knee and gently kissed Taylor's hand. "MY QUEEN!!!! IT IS AN HONOR TO BE AT YOUR PRESENCE!" He felt a little embarrassed but that made Taylor laugh and the feeling of embarrassment went away. He felt his whole body get hot and tingly.

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