ch || 27

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A/N: Okay I'm putting a trigger warning for the rest of the story. So just warning yall, stop reading here if you have to.

- Star


2 weeks later

I awoke to an excruciating pain on my lower abdomen, and my first thought was on Ronan. The room was dark but I could feel how warm, heavy, and wet the sheets were with blood. I started to hyperventilate and this woke up Harry sleeping next to me. I immediately felt his body shift up to a sitting position and his hands on my shoulders.

"Taylor! What's wrong?! Is the baby coming?!" Harry asked all at once.

It was really hard for me to speak but I managed to muster out a few words.

"I-it hurts! Harry! It hurts!!" I said as loud as I could.

Harry immediately turned on the lamp on the bedside and when he turned back to me I just saw his face go pale white.

I hadn't looked down, I couldn't but his expression and loss of words said it all for me.

Very hesitantly, I turned to look down at my legs. All I could see was dark red, the white sheet was now covered in my blood and it was still spreading. I tried to scream but I was flabbergasted like my thoughts had been tied to a knot. At that moment I felt only fear, no pain, just pure horrific fear.

I looked back up to meet Harry's gaze who was just gawking. For a few seconds, it was like neither of us was actually living through this-

Another sharp pain interrupted my thoughts and that actually made me cry out. Teatr started filling my eyes not just because of the pain but because there was something very very wrong.

My cry of pain made Harry snap out of his trance and he quickly got out of bed and went over to try and help me. He was panicking maybe worse than I was

"Taylor! What do I do?! I don't know what to do!" His voice cracked as tears ran down his cheeks as well.

I groaned in pain loudly as it kept getting worse and with that Harry picked me up bridal style and very careful ran took me to the car, "Hold on Taylor, just please hold on." He softly said to me.


The car ride was a blur since I was in between passing out and consciousness. I don't remember getting to the hospital so that must've been when my body gave up.

My rude awakening was caused by screaming doctors and nurses running back and forth. All I could see were bright lights. All I could hear was the clanging of metal on metal and a crowd of people talking really loud.

The pain hadn't gone away, but it felt like it had tried to be numbed. I started to panic seeing all the tubes connected to my arms and blue paper covering the lower half of my body.

"Harry! Harry!?" I yelled in the midst of my panic attack.

I saw Harry's form emerge from the cluster of hospital staff.

"I'm here Taylor! I'm here!" He proclaimed as he held on tight to the hand I had reached out for him.

"H-Harry..." It was hard for me to speak since my voice was chocking in between sobs. "There is- there is something really wrong Harry!"

"No, no love it just that our baby is going to be a little premature it will be okay I'm here," He reassured me but I could barely hear from all of the orders that were being yelled in the background.

I shook my head as much as I could, "No! No! No! Listen to me! Something is not-" I was interrupted by a sudden jolt of pain that rushed through my spine. "Fuck!" I yelled as I held on to Harry's hand tighter.

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