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Taylor's POV

Tree pulled me into another room harshly. We stood across from each other as she patiently waited with her arms crossed for me to speak. I just stood there and scrolled through Tumblr. Tree cleared her throat which made me look up at her. "Yes?" I said annoyed.

"What the hell was that back there?" A vein popped up on her temples.

"A kiss, are you lacking basic knowledge Tree?" I chuckled.

"Taylor you cannot date him," Tree snatched my phone from my hands.

"Hey!" I yelled, "You cannot date, whatever his name is," Tree stumbled upon her words.

"Harry. His name is Harry," I crossed my arms.

"You can't date him," She repeated for the third time now.

"Says who? I can date whoever I want," I rolled my eyes.

"You're in a public relationship with Adam," Tree raged.

"So? His publicist allows him to have a private relationship. He has a girlfriend. Aarika. remember?" I shrugged my shoulder as if it was no big deal having a private relationship.

"There are many reasons why you cant do this Taylor," Tree tried to explain.

"Oh yeah? Name three."

"One, you are in a public relationship with Adam. Two, he will bring no public benefit. He'd just give you an even worse reputation than you already have. And three, he's a nobody, Just some random stranger you picked up off the street. Nobody will ever believe you love a guy like him. I mean look at him, he's a poor college drop out and you're a multi-million dollar businesswoman who's built an empire," Tree scoffed.

"Don't you ever fucking talk about him like that ever again. I can date whoever the fuck I want without your permission. Conversation over. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a family to meet," I yelled and bumped into Tree's shoulder, on purpose, on my way out. I reentered the room and saw Harry sitting down by himself, off the side, as his family conversed with each other and my mother was yelling at someone on the phone.

I took a seat next to Harry as he was looking down at the ground. "Is everything alright? I heard some yelling." He turned to me.

"Yeah, Tree should be cooled off in a little. I kinda just ruined my whole pr stunt," I chuckled softly.

"Oh, I'm sorry—"

"Don't be, it's okay. It was worth it," I winked at him and he blushed.

"My family is still a little overwhelmed but would you like to go meet them?" He smiled.

"Of course" I flashed my pearly whites at him and we both got up. He grabbed my hand and we walked in the direction of his family.

"Taylor! Get over here, young lady!" My mom yelled but it went through one ear and out the other. The only thing I was focused on right now was meeting my boyfriend's family.

"Mum, Rob, Gem," Harry cleared his throat. I was so nervous, my hands became so clammy, sorry Harry. My heart was going to burst out of my chest. They all turned to face us and I swear my heart bursted out.

"This is my girlfriend, Taylor," He said in the sweetest tone of voice.

"Hi! I'm Anne. Nice to meet you sweetheart," She stuck out her hand and I let go of Harry's to shake it.

"I'm Rob," He smiled and we shook hands.

"And you must be Gemma!" I smiled instantly.

"Oh my god," she began to freak out. "I've been wanting to meet you for the longest time," I pulled Gemma into a hug.

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