Chapter 2: UA here we come!

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Six sat on the bed, no emotion depicted on her face, as her twin tended to her wounds. "Ya know...we could always run away" Nine suggested to his sister causing the said girl to scoff. "Yeah and where do we go genius?". He hung his head low and went quiet.


"NINE GET YOUR ASS UP HERE AND GET ME A BEER" Andrew yelled to his son. Nine sighed and walked up the stairs, only to be met with his passed out sister next to the door frame. He let out a low growl and picked her up bridal style. He'd had enough of this. Walking back down the stairs, he gently placed six on the bed and grabbed a knife out of the draw. He snuck it in a while back when six was getting beaten.

"Here you are sir". Nine held the beer out to his father, holding the knife behind his back. "What have you got behind your back brat? Is it your filthy sisters tail or something" he laughed. Nine laughed with him causing the elder to scowl."why're you laughing? DID I TELL YOU TO LA- aaaahhh" He was cut off by a stab to the shoulder. Nine grinned and activated his quirk causing the blood from his father's wound to cover the man's eyes. "Now relive the pain you've caused to my sister...burn in hell you monster".

After making sure to call an ambulance for his father, he grabbed a backpack and filled it with all of the money in the house and his sister's teddy bear.

After making sure to call an ambulance for his father, he grabbed a backpack and filled it with all of the money in the house and his sister's teddy bear

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He grinned and ran down the stairs, once again picking up his sister. "Welp...she didn't think i'd stay a loner on all of those shopping trips did she".

As he walked out, he grabbed his dad's phone and dialed up a number. On the third ring it answered.
"Hey buddy, remember that favour you owed me"...


Six sat up and yawned. Looking around she noticed that she was now in a different place.

Confused she climbed down the ladders and looked around, only to find her brother on the couch

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Confused she climbed down the ladders and looked around, only to find her brother on the couch...snoring.
She gently shook him awake but he didn't move, so she pulled his tail. "Aieeeeeeeeeeeee" he screeched, causing the girl to almost smile. Almost.
"What was that for six" nine whined. "When did the basement become so cool? And where is Jinta?" She questioned.
He sighed and explained to her of the days prior events. "And as for Jinta, he's on the bed dummy" he flicked her forehead. "Baka" six grumbled as she grabbed her teddy. "Six?"


"You know how we trained a lot in the basement and when dad was away?"

"What of it?"

"Well we kinda need to use all that training in like a week's time...and could you please me actually sign up?"

"*Sigh* what do you mean Nine"

"I may or may not have looked up a hero school...and uh may or may not have tried to hack into the systems...but uhh I'm..."

"Terrible at hacking? I know" she finished for him.

Nine hung his head in embarrassment. Even though six had never left the house, nine had stolen a laptop from his fathers work and given it to his sister...and it turned out that she had a talent for a really good talent.

"Easy as pie, we now went to Okajima high and I kinda cheated and gave us a bunch of we just wait for the letter" Six gave her brother a thumbs up.
Nine grinned and reached into his pocket. "Six...I have a present". He held out a lolly toward his younger twin.
"I-I haven't had one since mum..." Her mouth watered and she put it into her mouth before Nine could even blink. "Oishii!" She flashed her brother a rare smile.
"Welp I'll go make dinner whilst you enjoy that"

*One week later*

"SIX WAKE UP WERE GONNA BE LATE YOU DUNCE!" Nine yelled to his sleeping sister who was now scrambling out of bed and into the bathroom.

The letter had come two days after Six had hacked the systems, saying that they had been accepted. The twins had trained all week even though they didn't need to do the entrance exam. (Six had found out what it was). The night before, the two of them were studying as much as they could which caused the two to wake up late.

"Onii-chan can you grab me some water please" Six asked her brother whilst putting her scarf on her neck.

"Onii-chan can you grab me some water please" Six asked her brother whilst putting her scarf on her neck

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(Outfit only + earphones)

"Yeah, grab my bag for me then?"
Nine replied walking into the kitchen, as he was already dressed.

"Yeah, grab my bag for me then?"Nine replied walking into the kitchen, as he was already dressed

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Six chugged her water and rinsed her glass, grabbing both of their bags off of the table.

Practically running out the door, the heterochromatic twins headed toward the prestigious Hero school. Six with a slight grin and Nine widely smiling yelling: "UA HERE WE COME!"


HIYA! Hope you thought this chapter was better and I know they're short. Deal with it =_=

Anyway, next chapter is gonna be a short intro of the twins, and after that the real story begins!


With all of the awesomeness


(880 words)

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