Chapter 16: Help You Fuckers

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Katsuki's pov

It was cold when I woke up.

Not my body, but my heart.

11 days.

11 days since i'd seen her mismatched eyes.

11 days since i'd seen her smile.

11 days since she'd called me an asshole.

It's a weird thing to miss, but then again, that girl was fucking weird.

And for some reason I loved that weirdo.

Which means i'm going to find her... I won't let it turn to 12.


3re pov

A loud bang was what woke the three of them up.

Nine was immediately alert, his arms around his twin protectively.

Nanashi took a bit longer, after all he didn't have to wake up thinking he was going to die.


The blonde tensed, shuffling in front of his younger siblings.

The basement door slammed open revealing him.

A growl rumbled in the older twins throat whilst the younger hissed at the drunk man.


Tumbling down the stairs, he hit his head and stood up, the glazing over his eyes replaced with malice... with hunger.

The siblings were afraid.

They could all easily overpower him, but something about the man rooted them to their spots, fear coursing through their blood and the fight or flight response essentially switched off.

Six wondered if her father had a quirk afterall.


Aizawa glared down at his loudest student

"You're late"

Katsuki frowned and held out something to his teacher.

"Earphones?" Aizawa questioned.

"She never went anywhere without them"

"Bakugou... it's already been 10-"

"-11" The teen corrected, face stoic as he stared at his tired teacher.

"Whatever... they went of their own accord, we can't do anything"

Katsuki had finally had enough.

He gripped the scarf around his mentors throat and jammed him against the chalkboard.

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