Chapter 4: Comfort

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Six's Pov

" this ever going to end" I said, voice barely above a whisper. He gave a weak smile as a reply and turned back to the eggs. I sighed and made two coffees.

Bringing them to the table, my hands shook but I kept a stoic expression, my lips set in a firm line.

"Took you long enough demon" My mother hissed, snatching the coffee from my hands.

My father kept silent but glared at me. I quickly handed him his drink and was about to leave when I was stopped by a firm grasp on my wrist.

"Where is our steak" My father growled.

I turned to him and bit back a hiss. "We didn't manage to get steak, we got eggs instead".

The two adults burst into fits of laughter, holding their stomachs. "How dare aha...y-you child aha, start joking with u- pfft -us" Mother choked out between giggles.

I shook my head and as if on cue, my twin entered the room, plates of eggs on toast rested on his upturned palms.

Our parents abruptly stopped laughing.

Nine quickly realised the situation and started frantically apologizing.

Father shook his head and walked toward him, slowly unbuckling his belt.

"No!" I cried out.

Father stopped in his tracks. "Well, you can't feel pain so for disrespecting us, double beatings for this one" He then turned back to nine who was now trembling.

I watched helplessly as my mother pinned me down and made me watch my brother suffer, all whilst crying out for him, begging my cruel father to stop.

"SIX CALM DOWN, IM RIGHT HERE!" A voice yelled.
"Six, please calm down, shhh, it's going to be okay" This time it was much quieter.

I was suddenly engulfed in light.

I sat up panting, tears streaming down my cheeks and through my blurred vision, I could see my brother holding out a glass of water.

"Sorry" I breathed out after calming down.

Nine just shook his head and pulled me close, wrapping his arms around my small frame.

"" He muttered into my hair.

"What?" I pulled away and gave him a questioning look.

"I hope you know we're late right?"

I shrieked and threw off the covers, quickly changing into my uniform and brushing my hair.

I grabbed my scarf and wolfed down some cereal. After tying my brothers tie, I grabbed my bag and we set off running to school, ready for another day...


Déjà vu anyone?

I know it's a short chapter but I haven't updated in a while 'cause I'm working on a different chapter so this is a kind of "waiting" chapter I guess.


With all of the awesomeness


(460 words)

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